What Actually Happened Was... (Real Life AU)

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It was a normal Thursday night, and everyone had shown up for dance, which made Ashley very happy. They had been working hard all night, sweat dripping to the floor, faces red, breathing heavy from the beating they were all getting from Ashley.

"And Again!" Ashley yelled. "And turn 2, 3, 4, step, step, pivot, and pivot!" Ashley shouted with gusto, "Steve! What are you doing!? Gacé turn the music off!!" Ashley said in a pissed tone.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." Steve said with a sad look on his face.

"Steve, you know it. Just do it! And Jake, seriously?"

"What?" Gacé asked in a snarky tone

"Stop being a smart ass and just dance. You're pissing me off!" Ashley yelled. "You guys need to start looking like you give a shit! IT'S MARCH! Just.... Just take a break." Ashley said as she walked up the stairs with an irritated sigh to calm herself before rejoining them.

They all sat around in an awkward silence, the only sound was of Kara sipping water and the hiss from a Mount dew bottle.

"Guys, I am really excited for this weekend!" Matt said in a giddy fashion.

"Why, what are you doing that's so special?" Steve asked in a condescending voice.

"Um, I'm going to see the Cinderella movie with my Baes!" Matt said so matter-of-fact.

Gacé threw a bouncy ball at Steve to show him that he messed up. "God Steve, why you gotta be like that!"

"Yeah Steve! Get on our level." Paris said sassily.

"Oh well excuse me." Steve said backing off. Just then Ashley skipped down the steps, almost gliding down.

"Hey, Umm, weird question? Has anyone else been having weird dreams lately, like really weird?" Ashley asked, almost not wanting to.

"Actually, yeah I have," said Kara in an uneasy voice. "Like, they have to do with Supernatural, but not really, just Sam and Dean."

"Mine too, and I don't even watch Supernatural!" said Ashley.

"Mine have Harry Potter in them!" said Matt.

"And they are all in different places?" Kaia said almost in a whisper.

"Yes!" They all said in unison, they all stared at each other with unease. It was like they were in an episode of the Twilight Zone. They all started to freak out. What was happening? What did they eat?

"Not to be weird but, some of mine have, ummm. How do I put this nicely? Very intimate scenes of Steve and Captain Kirk from Star Trek." Ashley said looking down trying not to make eye contact with Steve. Or really anyone for that matter for fear of judgment.

"Yeah, so do mine!" shouted Steve, rubbing his butt check. "Last night I had one, I don't remember all the details, but there was Captain Kirk as Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey, and I was a girl fighting off these other girls, and there was a sex dungeon. I don't know man."

Everyone went quiet and just stared at Steve perplexed. Kaia opened her mouth as to say something but backed off at the last second. Gacé and Ashley shared an uneasy look, and Matt just got up to walk away.

"Well," Paris began, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah.... What a night." said Kara, uneasy.

"You guys are weird," the Zebra Goddess, aka Colleen, chimed in. "I only dream about blue pools of water that I jump through."

"That's it Colleen. I'm putting a threat in the threat box!" said Matt sassily.

"I'll just divorce you again," Colleen said with a smile.

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