Kokomo (Stranded on an Island AU)

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Warning: Contains smut

The waves crashed onto the beach, pushing their way up the sand. The water shoved and pulled at the five bodies that laid on the beach. A slight breeze blew across the island, rustling through the palms and ferns.

Dean lifted his head, groaning. He looked around not recognizing his surroundings. His eyes caught the others laying in the sand around him and he got up. He went to Sam first, rolling him over and shaking him awake. Then to Cas, who was already sitting up and shaking his head.

"Cas are you okay?" he asked. "Is everyone okay?"

Harry and Kevin sat up, groaning. Where are we? Dean thought. How did we get here? But then, he noticed, down the beach, was the wrecked fishing boat, and he remembered. They had been out on the water fishing when the storm hit. Dean thought they were dead, but apparently, the currents brought them to land. They were all delivered safely to the shore. But what shore...?

The five of them clumsily made their way to the wrecked fishing Drifter. There was a big ol' hole in the side, and a tall, sharp rock was impaled through the entire boat. The main mast was broken in half, laying in the sand, the torn up sail draped across the wood pieces and rocks. When they got to the boat, they searched the ruins for Captain Benny. They didn't have much hope of finding him, but they still needed to look. In the end, they found his broken body in the bridge, impaled on his own collection of antique harpoons. His beard was bloody and he lay face down, propped up on three harpoons which stuck through is back. After shedding some tears, they all said a prayer and then left, off to explore the island.

The island wasn't very big. One could walk around the perimeter of it within a few hours. Sand and rock hemmed the island, creating picturesque beaches. The inside on the island, however, was solid forest. The fern and palms were thick and vines hung from the high branches. Tropical flowers and lush foliage exploded within the forest. The thick, hot, tropical air made the five men sweat as they made their trek into the brush.

But when they found the very center of the island, they all stopped, their jaws dropping. Kevin gasped. Before them was a magical oasis, shimmering and glittering. The clearing in the forest was a carpet of moss, dotted with tiny light blue and orange and purple flowers. In the center of that was a sparkling pool of crystal clear water. A small waterfall poured over glassy rock into the pool, creating glittering ripples in the water. Lush foliage bloomed from the cracks and crevices of the rock, and in those cracks, one could see the glow of rainbow, geode crystals inside. It was magnificent...absolutely magnificent. They looked up and they saw the clear sky peering down at them through the clearing of the canopy.

That night, they were all camped out in the clearing, feet dangling in the water. They all were laid on their backs, looking up at the stars. They had never seen so many stars in their lives. The galaxy stretched across the sky in a dusty belt of blues, purples, and pinks. The five exhausted men finally fell asleep under the comforting blanket of stars, dreaming of gurgling waterfalls and sparkling beaches.

When they awoke in the morning, they all agreed that they needed to make a plan. Kevin and Harry went to find food, while Dean and Cas agreed to stay back to keep a fire going and build a shelter. Sam, who was an independent man who didn't need no Dean, went off on his own to see how big the island was.

To* the song Kokomo, by the Beach Boys, the days on the island passed by with ease. Kevin and Harry frolicked on the white sand beaches while looking for food. Dean and Cas kept the fire going in their clearing. They even built a small shelter out of palm fronds. Sam continued his lonely walk around the island, the clear, turquois water lapping at his bare feet. The island was so beautiful that they were actually enjoying their time there. Every evening, Dean, Cas, Sam, Kevin, and Harry sat on the beach, their toes in the sand, enjoying an ice cold beer, watching the stars rotate in the sky. Enjoying each other's presence was more than anyone could ask for and the beauty of the island put them all at ease. Dean felt as though he never wanted to leave. The shared kisses in the moonlight...hands on sun kissed skin...bodies in the sand, Dean and Cas perfected their chemistry, and defied a little bit of gravity...the dreamy look in Cas's eyes gave Dean a tropical contact high...they fell in love, all over again, to the rhythm of a steel drum band...way down in Kokomo............

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