Eat My Shorts! Pt 2 (Breakfast Club AU)

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Dean and Cas fell onto the carpet of the library, unscathed and teens again. When they stood up, they were met with the surprised face of Sam, looking over his shoulder at them with several pens up his nose. He hurriedly took the pens out of his nose as Dean and Cas stood up and brushed the light dusting of snow from their shoulders that was left from the portal.

Just then, Vernon walked in with Harry and Kevin in tow.

"Alright, listen up you little shits!" he shouted as they all took their seats. "That's thirty minutes for lunch."

"Here?" asked Harry.


"Well I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir," said Harry.

"Well, I don't care what you think, Harry!"

"Uh, Dick? Excuse me, Rich...will milk be made available to us?" asked Dean.

"We're extremely thirsty sir..." said Harry.

"I have a very low tolerance for dehydration," said Cas.

"I've seen him dehydrate sir, it's pretty gross," said Harry.

Dean stood up from his seat and raised his hands. "Relax, I'll get it," he said.

"Ah, ah, ah grab some wood there, bub!" said Vernon. Dean smiled and sat back down. Vernon pointed at Harry. "You!" Then he pointed at Kevin. "And you! Hey! What's his name? Wake up! Wake him up! Come on, on your feet mister! Let's go! This is no rest home!"

Kevin and Harry were walking down the hall in silence. Kevin kept thinking about what happened in Vernon's office. He thought about how Harry's eyes were sparkling pools of shimmering emerald. And when their hands touched...there was definitely a spark...

Kevin peeked over at Harry and noticed him look away, his face turning red. But when he looked back, their eyes caught and they stopped walking.

Kevin's breath caught.

"Kevin," said Harry. Kevin decided that he liked the way his name sounded when Harry said it. "There's no denying that I have feelings for you...and I...I just wanted you to know that...I really care about you and stuff..."

"Shh..." Kevin shushed him, putting a finger to Harry's lips. "It's okay, I feel the same way."

Their lips collided just then in a hungry, desperate kiss. Neither of them knowing exactly who initiated the kiss. Their tongues fought for dominance as their hands tangled in each other's hair. Hands began roaming, their bodies pressed even closer together. But all too soon, they broke apart for air.

"We should probably go get those drinks..." said Kevin breathlessly. Harry nodded in agreement and they regretfully pulled apart from their passionate embrace to continue down the hall.

After lunch, the five were out in the hall, going to Dean's locker. They had successfully avoided Vernon in his office and they were now making their way down the halls. When they arrived at Dean's locker, they were all not surprised to find it drawn on with sharpie, and when he opened it, a makeshift guillotine dropped, chopping off the toe of a shoe. He reached in and pulled out a paper bag, then another out of that, then another, then...a bag of weed. He stuffed it in his pocket and they left. Sam was outraged and Kevin was shocked.

They all followed Dean back to the library but as they rounded the corner, they saw Vernon walking down the hall! The five kids took off running in the other direction,* the song Gotta Stop by Prince playing. They bolted down the halls, trying to get back to the library, but they came around the corner, sliding to a stop and running back as Vernon was turning in their direction! They ran, but it seemed everywhere they went, they were just narrowly avoiding Vernon! Dean and Harry argued briefly over which way was better to get to the library, but Harry won and they took his route. But they were stopped! The hallway was closed with a gate! They all ran into it. Dean swore.

"We're dead!" said Sam.

"No, just me," said Dean.

"What do you mean?" asked Sam.

"Get back to the library, keep your unit on this!" said Dean, shoving his bag of weed into Sam's pants. He then, took off down the hall, singing Wanted Dead or Alive.

Back at the library, the others all made it back without getting caught. Dean's distraction had worked. But not without consequences. Vernon found him and took Dean to a closet.

"That's the last time, Dean. That's the last time you make me look like a fool in front of those kids, do you hear me? I make 31,000 dollars a year and I have a home and I'm not about to throw it away on some punk like you...but someday, man, someday. When you're outta here and you've forgotten all about his place... and they've forgotten all about you and you're wrapped up in your own pathetic life... I'm gonna be there. That's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit outta you, man, I'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt!" Vernon was in Dean's face now.

"Are you threatening me?" asked Dean.

"What're you gonna do about it? You think anybody's gonna believe you? You think anybody's gonna take your word over mine? I'm a man of respect around here. They love me around here, I'm a swell're a lying sack of shit! And everybody knows it! Oh, you're a real tough guy huh... come on, come on... get on your feet, pal! Let's find out how tough you are! I wanna know right now how tough you are! Come on! I'll give you the first punch, let's go! Come on, right here, just take the first shot! Please, I'm begging you, take a shot! Come on, just take one shot, that's all I need, just one swing..."

Dean was staring back at Vernon with wide eyes. Vernon raised his fist, making like he's going to punch Dean and Dean flinched.

"That's what I thought..." said Vernon. "You're a gutless turd!"

Dean stared at him, hardly believing that Vernon said those things. But as he stared at Vernon, he began to recognize him as someone other than the Vice Principle...Vernon didn't have a long white beard...did he? Then it hit him! This wasn't Vernon! This was Saruman!

"I know who you are," said Dean. He had to get to the others...

"What are you talking about?" he snapped.

"You're the wizard, Saruman! The one who put us here!"

Saruman took a step back and glared at Dean. Dean glanced at the door and weighed his chances of escape. Saruman noticed this and stepped in front of the door.

"You're not getting out of here..." he growled. He opened the door and stepped out, locking it from the outside. Dean got up and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. But five minutes later, Dean had climbed into the ceiling and began crawling back to the library.

Cas sat on one of the tables in the library, the others lounging in the chairs. They talked about their weekend plans and Vernon when, all of a sudden, they heard a loud crash and a shout from across the library! A few seconds later, Dean came striding down the steps, shaking ceiling dusk from his hair. He stopped when he saw everyone looking at him.

"I forgot my pencil," he said. They all stared at him. "Okay, actually, I have to tell you something. Vernon isn't who he says he is."

"What do you mean?" asked Cas.

"He's not Vernon. He's not the vice principle! This is gonna sound crazy but he's actually an evil wizard named Saruman. He put this curse on us. We aren't supposed to be here," Dean tried explaining. Everyone just stared at him, confused. But gradually, their eyes cleared and realization came across their faces. A loud pop sounded from behind Dean. He turned around and saw that the hole in the ceiling he fell through had turned into a swirling vortex of purple light. He looked back at everyone.

"I guess that's our way out..." said Sam.

And after several minutes of stacking tables and chairs, they managed to climb up and through the portal.

Then their vision went black.

By: Father

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