Hunger Games Pt 3 (Hunger Games AU)

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Dean and Benny had snuck away from the tributes while Paris was giving her death speech. They got as far away from the other tributes as they could before stopping to catch their breath and introduce themselves.

"Good to meet you, Benny," Dean said, still breathing heavily. "Can I ask why you saved me?"

"I thought you would make a good ally," said Benny. "Besides, I know the chances of me actually winning this thing are slim, so I want someone I actually like to win."

"Why do you think that?"

Benny looked down at his feet, avoiding Dean's eyes. "Well, I mean, I am the youngest one in the games this year, besides Kaia, and she's hardcore. And it's very rare that anyone my age wins the games."

"Well, you'll just have to make the odds better for yourself. What do you have for weapons?"

"Not much, really. Just this," Benny said, drawing attention to the harpoon he had in his hand.

"Hey, that's great!"

"You really think?"

"Of course! Benny, listen. You are not going to die, you hear me? I'll be here to protect you. Besides, I owe you one, after all."

Benny finally met Dean's eyes. He smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem. Let's keep moving."

The next day, Dean and Benny hiked through the woods, looking for a place to crash for the night. They soon found a good spot where they thought they would be out of view from anyone who might walk past. They set up a small fire to cook the squirrel Benny had harpooned while they were walking through the woods. Benny and Dean sat together, quietly eating roasted squirrel, when they heard voices from within the trees.

"Luci I'm telling you, this is not the way to the cornucopia."

"Ezekiel, I hate to tell you this I really do, but I don't care. You're the one who started following methrough the woods."

"I should have killed you when I got the chance," "Ezekiel" growled.

I high pitched laugh sounded. "I'd love to see you try."

"That's it, let's- wait."

"What now?"

"Is that a harpoon?"

Dean looked at Benny and mouthed climb the tree now.

Benny nodded, then silently scampered up the nearest tree.

Luci and Ezekiel stumbled through the underbrush, discovering the coals of the fire Dean and Benny had been sitting at only moments ago. Ezekiel, now holding Benny's harpoon, knelt down and placed his hand over the coals, feeling the heat rising from them.

"It's still hot," he said. "They're still here."

Dean stood, back to the tree Benny was hiding in, gripping his knife. He waiting for the perfect moment to attack, knowing he had promised to save Benny. He glanced out from behind the tree, noticing both Luci and Ezekiel's backs were to him. Now was the time.

Dean jumped out from behind the tree, attempting to stab Luci in the back. At the last moment possible, she sensed the attack and jumped out of the way. She grabbed her knives and turned to face Dean, ready to fight.

"Well, if it isn't the famous Dean Winchester," Luci said, giggling. "I never imagined that I would be the lucky one to kill you."

"Who said you got to kill him?" Ezekiel asked, raising the harpoon.

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