Old McWinchester Had a Farm (Farmer AU)

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It was midday and the sun was beating down. Sweat was rolling down Steve's face making the dirt and debris from the road stick to him. He had no idea where he was or why he was there. The last thing he remembered was waking up in the middle of the woods. He stumbled along the wooded path, running into low hanging tree branches and tripping on over grown roots. Everything was hazy, his eyes were blurry from hitting his head when he fell. It seemed hopeless; he didn't know where he was going or who he would find. The longer he walked in the blistering sun, the heavier his limbs became. His vision was getting blurrier but in the distance he saw the outline of a house.

Meanwhile, in the distance, a tall dark man was working in the field. Sweat was dripping down his perfectly chiseled abs. His strong, oiled thighs were pushing the bounds of his polyester pants. He walked through his wheat field admiring his crop.

"Tomorrow is the day," he said to himself with pride. As he looked around, he noticed something by the edge of the woods. It was a person stumbling like he was intoxicated. The man started to walk towards the wood to see if the stumbling man needed help.

"Hello there!" There was no answer. "Do you need any help sir?" Again, there was only silence. "What in the world!?" As he got closer, he could see that the man was not intoxicated, but dehydrated and exhausted. Quickly, he hoisted the fallen man over his shoulder and ran for the house.

A while later, Steve woke. His vision was slowly coming into focus. He started to make out an old dresser, the brass fixtures at the end of the bed, and a young girl sitting in the corner looking at him with relieved eyes.

"Where am I?" Croaked Steve.

"You're at the Winchester Farm. My name is Ezri. Jimmy will be relieved you're awake. He found you stumbling out of the woods a couple days ago. You were dangerously dehydrated." Ezri walked over to the side table and poured the man a glass of water. "What's your name?" She asked handing him the water.

"Steve. My name is Steve." He took the glass of water, nodding his thanks, and took a long gulp.

"So, Steve," Ezri went on. "What were you doing in the woods then?" She looked at him with big eyes in hopes of a tale of danger and adventure. Steve thought long and hard, but could not remember why he was out there. All he could think was that he was attacked, due to the pain he felt in various parts of his body.

"I can't remember why I was out there." Steve said, closing his eyes tight, hoping to remember something. "All I remember is stumbling through the woods and seeing your house. And of course waking up." Steve took another long drink hoping it would jog his memory.

"Well, don't worry yourself about that," Ezri said, giving him a soft smile. "Why don't you get yourself cleaned up and come down to meet everybody? There's clean clothes for you in the dresser and your bathroom is right through that door. See you in a few." Ezri gave him one more smile and closed the door behind her.

Steve finished his water and slowly climbed out of bed. He pulled a Homestuck t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants from the drawers and went to the bathroom. The bathroom was very rustic looking, with white and light blue decorations. He thought it was quite fitting. Steve turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. He looked through the small window above the toilet where he could see the whole farm. It was beautiful; the wheat was a lovely golden brown. To his left he saw a small garden filled with fruits and vegetables, and in the distance he saw a man in blue jeans and a red, plaid shirt riding up from the apple orchard. Steve turned away, feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside, and got into the shower.

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