Changing Dynamics Pt 2 (Basketball Team AU)

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Dean was dressed in his finest after the game. His "Every Damn Day" shirt, black basketball shorts, Nike socks, and his Nike basketball shoes. To be clear, they're different from the shoes he wears to actually play basketball in. These were one of the several off-court pairs of basketball shoes he owned. These were just for fashion.

Dean, Sam, Cas, Ezri, and Charlie were all piled into Dean's Impala, headed to Denny's, where the team plus friends always met up after a successful game. If they were unsuccessful, they went to iHop. They haven't been to iHop in a long time.

Usually Charlie would have turned down an invitation to hang out with the team, but Dean had invited her and she hated to disappoint Dean, who was one of her oldest friends. Plus, she wanted to know what was up with the coach. Plus, she was craving some pancakes.

Dean had his phone plugged into the aux cord and was currently blasting *Welcome to My House by Flo Rider. Dean's music taste was, well, White. In fact, everything about him screamed White Boy. Same could be said about Sam. And Cas. Actually, nearly the entire team was so White it hurt. They were whiter than Chip Skylark's teeth. They were the definition of stereotypical. They didn't always used to be that way, though.

Charlie could recall a time when Dean wasn't a stereotype, back in middle school. He had a personality back then; he wasn't just Nike socks and an overrated game. He was unique and fun and... well, he was Dean. Now, however, he was White.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, Charlie just thought he was... bland. Like a loaf of white bread, which is bad for your heart. Not that White Boys are bad for your heart, well they could be, if you get into a bad relationship. Basically, Charlie was really glad she was gay.

The Impala pulled into the Denny's as the final verse of another average rap song finished, and Charlie was thankful. She had been thrown in the backseat, forced to sit next to Ezri and Sam as they made out.

Dean took the keys out of the ignition and turned to Cas. "Ready to go, babe?"

"Yeah, it looks like James and Steve-" Cas paused. "Did you just call me babe?"

Charlie could see Dean's ears turning pink. "What? No," Dean said hastily.

"I swear I heard you say babe."

"I didn't! I said bro. Cause you're my bro, bro."

"Oh. Guess I just misheard you."

"What, do you wish I said babe? Are you gay or something?"

"No! I'm not gay! You're gay! Are... are you gay?"

"No! Never, that's gross."

Charlie decided she had heard enough and climbed out of the car, muttering something about hyper-masculinity.

Dean and Cas followed Charlie into the Denny's, walking next to each other, but making sure to keep at least three feet of space between them at all times in order to avoid any accidental hand touching or making out. Because that is how being gay works.

By the time Charlie walked up to the table reserved for the team and friends, most of the team had already arrived. James and Steve were playing catch with a fork; Colin was talking to his girlfriend Kaia, who seemed to only be half paying attention; Kevin, Harry, McCoy, Spock, and Chekov were giving each other play-by-play recaps of the game, each from their own perspective; Troy was talking to Chad about something, seemingly worried. There were a few people at the table Charlie didn't recognize, so she assumed they were friends with some of the other team members. The freshmen hadn't shown up yet.

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