Duel Club (Hogwarts AU)

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Castiel sat in the classroom, looking around. He had never had Arithmancy with professor Coggshell, so he had never been in this room before. It was large, the rows of desks facing the front of the room where there was a large desk. In the back of the cavernous room, there was a long, rectangular dueling stage.

Castiel had never once gotten a detention in his seven years here at Hogwarts. This was hardly the way he had hoped to meet this professor.

Of course, he was early, therefore he was left alone in the room. He was left to his thoughts, inevitably, and soon enough, they had wandered to the head of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Dean Winchester. The first time he had taken notice of Dean was three years ago, when his older brother, Gabriel convinced him to go to a game to cheer on his house, and Gabriel, who was the head of the Ravenclaw team at the time. Dean was the Chaser, and he had won the game for his team that day. Cas remembered Gabriel being really mad that Ravenclaw lost, but since then, Cas had taken notice of the Hufflepuff boy. Not to mention his recently discovered feelings for him.

But Dean probably didn't think much of Cas. They had been paired up for an assignment in Charms class once, but Dean was so popular, and Cas was so not...Dean probably didn't even remember that assignment.

Cas would have thought that way until yesterday. It was a Wednesday and that meant that Cas had a free period. He was wandering the halls when he was cornered by Octavius. When the two had first met in first year, Octavius had made it his mission to cause Cas as much agony as he could. Since then, Cas has been bullied by the boy and his goons. But that day, Octavius found him alone and he began picking at him. It started to get personal, and normally, Cas would have easily been able to defend himself, but he was loath to get in a fight. So he took it...like he always did. But Dean had happened to be passing by and he overheard the exchange. He intervened and defended Cas, then fought Octavius when it came to it.

The three of them had been caught and sentenced to detention. So now, Cas was there, still confused over what happened that day, waiting for the others to arrive. His thoughts then wandered to the dueling stage in the back of the room. It made him uneasy.

Just then, a tall girl with blonde, curly hair stormed into the room. Cas knew her as Paris, as she was a fellow Ravenclaw. She stomped to the desk across the room and sat, crossing her arms.

Cas had never said they were friends.

Not that he didn't like her. He figured she was a great friend to those she cared about, and nice when she wanted to be. But her narcissism and arrogance kept them from becoming friends over the years.

He looked over at her.

She was sulking, glowering at the wall, facing away from Cas.

The door opened and Cas looked to see who it was. His heart stuttered as Dean entered the room. Dean caught his eye and held it until he sat...right next to Castiel. Cas broke away from the stare and looked away, attempting to hide the blush that he knew painted his face. But when he looked back, Dean was looking at him.

His lips curved up into a smile and Cas blushed again. This was not happening.

The door banged open, startling the three of them. Filch, the janitor, shoved a slight boy into the room. He stumbled.

"Next time I find you in the restricted section, you'll be sorry!" yelled Mr. Filch. He then left, grumbling under his breath.

Cas recognized the boy as Matt. They were in advanced Herbology together. Cas, because he loved the subject. Matt...well, because Cas was fairly sure the boy was in love with Professor Sprout.

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