Prophecy of Heroes Pt 2 (Disney AU)

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Castiel, Ezri, Sam, and Dean ran through the forest. Kara's scouts had caught up with them and took them by surprise, so they ran for their lives. The path split and the group separated. Castiel and Dean went one way, and Sam and Ezri went another. Dean and Castiel ran until they were sure they weren't being followed anymore. They slowed to a stop and caught their breath.

"I think we lost them," said Castiel. But then a twig snapped in the wood and they both froze.

"Cas, over here," Dean whispered, pulling Castiel by his sleeve. They went and hid behind a curtain of vines and leaves. Now in the safety of the covered alcove, they caught their breath. They looked at each other in the darkness and it gave Castiel a moment to consider what had happened. The nickname Dean had used had taken him by surprise. No one had ever given him a nickname before. He decided he liked the name Cas.

"Cas, look," Dean was bent down looking at the back of the alcove. Cas looked and saw that there was a small opening that was covered by a fake bush. They went through and found themselves in a beautiful meadow. Wildflowers grew and swayed in the gentle breeze. In the center of the meadow stood a tower. Dean and Cas stepped into the meadow, looking around in awe. Then, Dean did something that surprised Cas. He ran out into the grass and flowers then fell to the ground and rolled, disappearing into the tall grasses. Cas caught up with him and found him lying in the grass, looking up at the clouds. Cas stood over him, casting a shadow over his face. Dean looked at him and smiled.

"I've always wanted to do that," he said.

Cas huffed a laugh and sat down next to him. He wondered if his sister was okay. She was probably fine. Kara's scouts were kind of dumb and Cas knew that Ezri could take care of herself. Plus, she had a prince to keep her company. He couldn't figure out why, but he trusted Sam and Dean, even though they had just met.

Dean didn't show any signs of getting up anytime soon, so Cas laid down next to him, his hands going behind his head. There were few clouds in the sky that day, it was mostly warm and sunny. A gentle breeze blew through the grass and ruffled Cas's hair. He looked over at Dean and was met with vibrant green eyes. Dean smiled and kept looking at Cas, so Cas kept looking back, counting the freckles that spilled across Deans face.

Cas quickly got lost in Deans eyes and they laid there like that for a while. But just then, something caught Cas's eye behind Dean. Something moved in the window of the tower. He looked at the window and narrowed his eyes. Dean followed his gaze and looked in that direction.

"I thought I saw something move up there," said Cas. Dean looked at him again.

"We should go check it out," said Dean, an excited grin pulling at his lips.

"What if it's an axe murderer? And we go in there and they chop us all up?"

"I doubt it," said Dean. Just as he got up, Cas following, they heard voices across the meadow. Ezri and Sam were emerging from the alcove and making their way towards them.

"Castiel!" Ezri ran to him and they met in an embrace. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yes. We lost the scouts. They won't be following us for a while."

"Good," said Cas.

"Whoa, look at that tower," said Sam, squinting up at the tower.

"Yeah, Cas said he saw something move in the window," said Dean. "I think we should go check it out."

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