Lake Huron Surf Club (Surf Gang AU)

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The waves of Lake Huron grew restless as black clouds rolled in above.

"Is everybody ready?" Steve turned his surfboard to face the shore. He looked at the others, his long hair whipping in the wind. He pointed a finger at Dean and Sam. "Prepare yourselves. Make sure the others are ready. Gandalf! Are you ready?"

Gandalf sat astride his surfboard, using his mighty staff to paddle out. "Indeed I am!" he called back. "Bring them forth!"

"What's going on?" Dean looked at Sam. "Do you know what's going on?"

"No, I don't. What are we getting ready for? The waves?"

"I don't think so. I think it's something else," said Dean, shaking his head as he peered out at the lake. He felt disoriented, his memories thin and confused. The only thing he knew for certain was that he and Sam needed to be out there, on the waves, on surfboards, and fast. No time to think about it. He gave Sam a smack on the shoulder. "Grab your board. Let's go!"

Sam's board was a dark blue tri-fin Thunderbolt 500 with yellow lightning zig-zagging across the deck. Dean's board was a Pilot-Fish Five longboard, one of the originals, not a copy – only thirty made in the whole world. Black with red rails and stringer, waxed to a shine so high you could squeeze your pimples in it. But he better not catch you doing it.

The moment Dean picked up his board, his thoughts cleared up and snapped into focus. He and his brother launched themselves onto the churning foam and paddled furiously out.

Sam called over his shoulder at the hotel guests standing on shore. "You stay there! No matter what happens, no matter what you see, please stay on the shore."

Gandalf and Dumbledore straddled their boards to either side of Steve, the three of them gazing out to sea, searching. Gandalf looped the tether over his ankle and draped his dripping beard over his shoulder. The gathering clouds glowed red in the setting sun, the churning waves the color of blood.

"They'll wait for the sun to fall," said Dumbledore. "They'll come under cover of darkness."

"Uh, wrooong!" said Steve. "They know that's what we expect. They want to catch us unawares. Creevy!"

"Yeah," shouted Collin Creevy. He pushed his fingers through black hair thick with pomade.

"Be ready! And watch after Harry. This is his first time. I do not want to have to clean pieces of him off the beach tomorrow morning."

"Got it!" Creevy smiled. He pulled a switchblade out of the waistband of his bathing suit and sprung it open, the metal flashing in the sun. "Let's do this! I am stoked!"

Harry smiled nervously. His wand shook in his hand and he pressed it against his bare stomach so no one would see. He had to stay strong. He felt wildly out of place.

Steve called over his other shoulder, "You hear me Dean? Sam? I'm sleeping in tomorrow. Not dredging for bodies at six a.m. Not this time."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about us. You just worry about yourself."

Kevin and Jimmy Kirk took their usual positions on the right and left flank. They raised their fists in the air to indicate they were ready.

Steve turned back to face out to sea. The tide was coming in and waves lifted him up and down the backs of their growing swells. It was going to be a rough night. Further down the beach he heard the breakers roaring in. They always started there and working their way down. Once they got to this section it would be much harder to see anything. His eyes scanned the horizon, traced over the ever shifting lines and folds of the waves, looking for any sign.

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