chapter 1

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Kyle's pov

This house is so loud! Between the music, overlapping conversations, it was all too much. I mean, Craig does throw great parties. I went downstairs to the less crowded basement.

I walked down there, only seeing Kenny, Butters, Clyde, Bebe and Wendy.

"Hey dude." Kenny said to me, sipping the drink in his hand.

"Hey dude." I repeated, walking up to him and Butters.

"Hey Kyle!" Butters said.

"So what are you even doing here?" Kenny asked, "I thought you hated parties."

I shrugged, "Well, I just figured, 'why not?' It's Saturday night and there's not much to do here."

We heard the door open and close loudly, followed by Stan, stumbing down the stairs. He came up to us, slinging one arm around me, and the other around Kenny.

"What's up yoouu guyyss?" Stan slurred.

"Hey Stan." Kenny said.

"There you are Stan!" Wendy said, walking up to him.

"Hey baby." He smiled, now wrapping an arm around her.

"I know you like to stay at parties a bit longer, so Clyde is going to take me home with Bebe, so I'll see you tomorrow?" Wendy asked him.

"Okay." Stan smiled, giving Wendy a kiss goodbye.

"I think I'm gonna go too." Butters said.

"Oh, do you want a ride home?" Kenny asked him.

"Sure!" Butters smiled.

They all left, and it was just Stan and I left.

"Just us, hey buddy!" Stan said.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled.

"Kyle, you know who I looove?" Stan asked.

"I don't know, probably your girlfriend?" I lightly laughed.

"Well, yeah..I love Wendy." Stan slurred.

"I know you do dude." I told him.

"Who do yoouu love?" He asked me.

"I don't love or like anyone right now dude," I started, "you know I'm trying to figure out my sexuality."

"Kyle...I have a secret!" Stan said.

"What is it?" I asked.

Instead of saying anything, Stan quickly grabbed my face, and smashed his lips against mine. Strange enough, I found myself kissing him back. I did have a few drinks, but I think even if I didn't, I'd still want to kiss him. Stan and I ended up making out for awhile, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, until I realized, this was wrong. I pulled away, even if I didn't really want to.

"Why'd you stop?" Stan asked sadly.

"What are you doing?" I began, "You're cheating on Wendy!"

"Kyle, I love Wendy...but...I think I also might love..."

"Stan! Don't say it!" I quickly said.

"I think I might be in love with you."

"No Stan, you're not!" I said, "You're just drunk...let me take you home."

"Okay.." Stan said.

I helped Stan upstairs, and out to my car. Once I got to his house and pulled in his driveway, Stan looked panicked.

"You okay dude?" I asked him.

"My parents are awake! They can't know I'm still drinking!" He said.

I sighed, "Okay fine, let's go to my house."

I backed out of his driveway, and across the street to my house.

"Please, just be quiet." I told Stan, helping him out of my car.

Maybe by tomorrow, Stan will forget about all this. But did I want him to?

Our Little Secret (Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now