chapter 18

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Stan's pov

I woke up the next day, immediately remembering last night. I still felt horrible about it. I told Kyle I would talk to him today, so I got up and got ready to go to his house. I knocked on his door and his mom answered.

"Oh, hello Stan," She greeted, "here to see Kyle I assume?"

"Yeah, he here?" I asked.

"Yes, you can go ahead and go up to his room." She told me, letting me inside.

I started walking up the stairs, just as Kyle was walking down.

"Oh, hey dude," he said to me, "thought I heard you voice."

"Hey, I wanna talk to you about something." I told him.

"Okay, go ahead." Kyle said to me, as I followed him into his room.

"Well uh... last night at the dance, I was talking to Kenny about everything, not knowing that Wendy was behind us meaning...she knows how I feel about you." I told him.

" what does that mean for you two?" He asked me.

"She didn't say it, but I'm sure it's over between us, I've never seen her look so sad," I sighed, "you were right, this stupid plan didn't work."

Kyle's pov

I didn't really want to feel bad for Stan since I told him this idea to date us both was an insane idea, but he looked so sad, all I wanted was to hug him. So, I pulled him into my arms and he seemed kind of surprised, but then hugged me back.

"There's more Kyle." Stan said, as we pulled away.

"Okay, what is that?" I asked him.

"I only feel sad cause I still care about her as she was my first love, but...I fell out of love with her." He told me.

"Are you sure you are?" I questioned, not sure if I believed him or not.

"Yes, I think I have been for a long time, just too scared to admit it." He sighed.

"Scared of what exactly?" I asked him.

"Because I've been with her so long and it just felt safe to be with her," He told me, "but there's no point in dating someone if you don't love them."

"That isn't all you're scared of is it?" I asked him, knowing there was more.

Stan sighed, "No...I was scared when I realized I started to have feelings for you....scared of what people would think about me liking another boy.."

"That's nothing to be scared of Stan." I told him.

"Well, when you told me that you were questioning your own sexuality, I was thinking about telling you," Stan began, "but always chickened out, until I got really drunk that night.."

"Well Stan, do you still want to be with me?" I asked him.

"More than anything." Stan said, grabbing ahold of my hands.

"Then how did you plan on doing that, if you're too scared of what people would think about us being together?" I asked.

"I don't know man.." Stan said, throwing his head in his hands.

"Stan, I'm not gonna rush you, but, you know no one will give you shit for being yourself, " I told him, "well besides Cartman, but he's an asshole anyway."

"You're right." He sighed, "I need to just come out already."

"Only if you're sure," I told him, "make sure you're actually ready."

"I mean, I have known for over a year," He said, "I will do it sometime this week."


Stan's pov

It was now Monday, and I was dreading seeing Wendy. How was this gonna go? I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her at her locker. I tried to calm my nerves, as I walked up to her.

"Hi Wendy.." I looked down.

"What do you want?" She asked, harshly.

"Wendy, I just need to tell you how sorry I am," I tried, "can we talk in private?"

She just looked at me and sighed, "Fine, you got two minutes."

"That's all I need." I told her, as we walked into an empty classroom.

"Now what the hell do you want?" Wendy asked me.

"You weren't supposed to find out this I said I didn't want to hurt you." I told her.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't want to, because you really did." She told me.

"I know..but, I just need to know, how much did you even hear?" I asked her.

"Just that you were using me to repress your feelings for Kyle," Wendy crossed her arms, and looked away from me, "and that you can't love me like you love Kyle..."

"So, you didn't hear that I still care about you." I said.

"You do?" She asked.

"Yeah, just not in that way..." I told her, "I'm really sorry.."

"Well..." Wendy started, "it's not like it's your choice how you feel..."

"Yeah, it's not.." I told her, "and I know you feel so humiliated, but I thought of way you don't have to."

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"If it's not obvious enough, I'm bi...and you can just tell people we mutually decided to end things so I can figure myself out or something." I suggested.

Wendy scoffed, "Fine."

"Please, just not yet, I haven't told anyone yet." I added.

"I'm not gonna out you Stan," She said, "I'm not the asshole here."

"Right..." I agreed.

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