chapter 33

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Stan's pov

It was a week after graduation, and I was so happy with how well things were going with Kyle. We were going to dinner tonight, and I was getting ready when there was a knock on the door.

I went downstairs and opened it to see Kyle, looking really fine.

"Hey," I smiled, "you look great baby."

"So do you." Kyle smiled.

"So you ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go." Kyle said.

I followed him outside, and into his car.

Kyle's pov

  The whole way to the restaurant, I was very anxious. When we left, I was planning on going to Starks Pond to propose. I mean, that's the only semi-romantic place in town.

  We got to the restaurant, and I was shaking inside. I mean, we did say we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives, but was it too soon? We've known each other for 14 years, but we've only known each other romantically for eight months. I tried to hide my nervousness, so Stan wouldn't notice.

At the end of the meal, Stan grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.

  "Kyle, you know how much I love you, right?"

  "Of course Stan, I love you too." I said to him.

  "And you know how I wanna spend forever with you?" Stan asked.

  "Yeah?" I asked.

  "Well, uh, I know this is soon, but I wanna marry you," Stan said, pulling a small box out of his coat, "so will you marry me Kyle?"

  There is no way.

  "Stan...I uh..."

  "I'm sorry Kyle!" Stan quickly said, "Maybe this is too soon..."

  "No Stan! It's not that," I quickly told him, "It's just.." I then pulled my own ring out, making Stan smile.

  "You were gonna propose to me?" He still smiled.

  "Well...yeah." I blushed.

  "So I guess that's a yes for us both?" Stan asked.

  "Yes." I smiled, pulling him into a kiss.


  "Sorry I ruined your proposal Kyle." Stan told me, as we were laying in his bed later that night.

  "None of that matters Stan," I began, "I still have the best fiance ever."

  Stan smiled, kissing my cheek. "Me too."

  I cant wait to have the life we both deserve together.

The end.

AN: thank you to all who read, voted, and commented on this story! please let me know if you want an epilogue!

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