chapter 16

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Kyle's pov

  I was home hanging out with Ike in the living room watching Naruto, with him trying to explain it to me.

  "I don't get it dude." I said to him.

  "What's not to get?" Ike asked.

  "It just seems pretty complicated." I shrugged.

  "Well, cause you don't actually watch it." Ike laughed.

  "Yeah, you got a point." I lightly laughed with him.

  "So why are you hanging out with your little brother watching anime on a Saturday night?" He asked me.

  "Well I like hanging out with you." I told him.

  "No plans, huh?" Ike asked.

  "Nope, none," I answered, "my friends are at homecoming except Cartman, but I'd rather hang out with you."

  "Why aren't you at homecoming?" Ike asked.

  "There's no reason to really. All my friends have dates, so what am I going to do? Stand in the corner and wach everyone else have fun?"

  "So Stan is with his girlfriend then?' He asked me.

  "We're not together Ike," I sighed, "and even if we were, I don't think he'd be out with me."

Stan's pov

  I was at the homecoming dance with Wendy, and it was kinda fun, but something didn't feel quite right.

  "You okay babe?" Wendy asked me.

  "Of course I am," I smiled, "why wouldn't I be?"

  "You just don't seem to be having a good time." She frowned.

  "I'm fine, it's just a little crowded in here so I'm gonna go get some air," I kissed her forehead, "I'll be right back."

  "Okay." Wendy said to me before I walked away.

  I walked outside and saw Kenny leaning against the wall smoking.

  "Those aren't good for you dude." I told him.

  "Oh and alcohol is?" Kenny asked.

  "Okay, you go a point," I joined him, "so what are you doing out here?"

  "Waiting for Butters." Kenny said told me.

  "Didn't you ask him to the dance?" I asked him, "If he's your date, why didn't you pick him up?"

  "Well, his parents don't even like us hanging out," Kenny started, taking another drag of his cigarette, "so if they saw me picking him up for a dance, he's worried they'd figure it out, so he's getting a ride with Tweek and Craig."

  "Damn, sorry dude." I said to him.

  "Eh, I still get the spend the whole dance with him, but what are you doing out here?" He asked me.

  "Well uh...can I talk to you about something?" I asked him.

  "Of course dude." Kenny told me.

  "Well, it might get kind of personal..." I trailed off.

  "That's fine man." Kenny put his cigarette out.

  "Well...I think I fell out of love with Wendy.." I told him.

  "Are you sure?" He asked me.

  ", I still care about her, just not in that way anymore. I don't even feel anything when I kiss her, I have more fun with Kyle, I would always rather be with Kyle, and uh...I'm not seuxally attracted to her anymore but I am to Kyle.." I told Kenny, "and actually...Kyle and I slept together last weekend."

  Kenny's eyes went wide, "Wait, really?"

  "Yeah...and you know, it was amazing to be with him in more than a friend way." I sighed.

  "That's crazy.." Kenny said.

  "And, I think that maybe I haven't been in love Wendy in a long time and that I just thought I did and I just...."

  "You were just using her to repress your feelings for Kyle?" Kenny asked.

  "Yeah..." I sighed.

  "So what are you gonna do?" Kenny asked.

  "I'm gonna tell her tomorrow...just give her one last great night," I started, "the truth is, I just can't love Wendy like I love Kyle."

  "Alright well, Butters just texted me so I'm gonna go meet him," Kenny said, "see you later."

  "Later." I told him, turning around to see Wendy, with tears streaming down her face.

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