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Stan's pov

I was at my and Kyle's wedding reception, happier than I've ever been. We've only been married for 2 hours, but I was so happy to call him my husband. We waited until we were 21 to get married, and we both had plenty of money and had our own place in town. Kyle and his mom finally made up and she came to the wedding as well.

I looked at Kyle as he was talking to Craig, and walked over to them.

"Hey dude!" Craig gave a small smile.

"Hey," I also smiled, "I need a moment with my husband."

"No problem, I need to go find my own husband anyway, later guys!" Craig said, walking off to find Tweek.

"What is it Stan?" Kyle smiled.

"How much longer is this gonna last?" I asked.

"We have this place rented out for like 3 more hours," Kyle told me, "In a rush or something?"

"I just want to be alone with you." I smirked.

"So do I, but all of our friends and family are here, and in just three days, we will be alone for a whole week on our honeymoon." He reminded me.

"Yeah, you got a point." I smiled.


At the end of the night as most people were leaving, Kyle and I were sitting at a table with Kenny and Butters, as Cartman was making his last trip to the food tables.

"I'm really happy for you two." Butters smiled.

"Thanks dude." Kyle smiled back.

"It's crazy how this all started as a secret relationship." Kenny said.

"Yeah, it may have been a stupid idea, but it was the best decision I've ever made." I smiled, making Kyle smile as well, before pulling him into a kiss.

It really was the best decision of my life.

AN: thank you again to everyone who took time to read this!

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