chapter 8

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some mature content

Stan's pov

The next day after school, I told Wendy I had a lot of homework when really, I just wanted to hang out with Kyle. I'm loving and affectionate with Wendy all day at school, I hardly have time alone with Kyle.

I walked up to Kyle at his locker and he smiled when he saw me, "Hey."

"Hey babe," I smiled back, "you coming over later?"

"I'll be home alone if you prefer to come to my house." He told me.

"That sounds good." I said, as we made our way to the parking lot.

Once I got to Kyle's house, we went straight up to his room. We were making out on his bed, him on top this time, when suddenly he stopped.

"Stan, what if we...did more than just making out?"

"It's like you read my mind." I smirked.

Kyle got off of me, and pulled me to the edge of the bed before dropping to his knees and reaching for my belt.

"You're sure you're okay with this?" He asked.

"Yeah," I told him, "I am."

Kyle undid my belt and I helped him remove my pants and my boxers. He grabbed my member and started pumping as I moaned softly. He then took all he could into his mouth and bobbed his head, swirling his tongue all around my length.

"Ky..." I tangled my fingers in his curly hair.

Kyle then stood back up, pushing me back on the bed, climbing on top of me. I helped him out of his shirt, flipping us over before removing my own shirt. I sucked and bit Kyle's neck harshly, making him dig his nails into my back. I was about to remove his pants, when we heard his front door open.

Kyle's pov

"Kyle!" My dad called from downstairs.

God dammit.

Stan and I quickly collected ourselves, putting our clothes back on before making our way downstairs.

"Yeah dad?" I asked him.

"I brought dinner home-oh hello Stan," my dad started, "do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Uh, no thanks, I should get home," Stan told him, "I'll see you tomorrow Kyle."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I repeated.

You have the worst timing dad.


The next moring, I was at school before first period started, walking to my locker when suddenly, I was being pulled into the janitors closet.

"Hey." Stan smiled.

"Oh, hey," I also smiled, "any reason you pulled me in here?"

"Well, all night I was just thinking..." Stan started, locking the door before grabbing my belt, "that I should return the favor."

Stan got onto his knees, completley shocking me.

"Stan, we're at school!" I whisper shouted.

"Then I guess you'll just have to be quiet, if you want it that is." Stan smirked. He knew damn well that I wanted it.

"Okay..." I sighed.

After undoing my belt and pulling my pants down, along with my boxers, he wasted no time, immediately taking me into his mouth.

"Stan, fuck." I panted.


After second period, I was walking towards my third class when I saw Kenny leaning against his locker, flirting with Butters, who was walking away by the time I got up to Kenny.

"Oh, just ask him out already." I half joked.

Kenny laughed, "Maybe someday, but uh, who are those hickeys from?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.

"This is the second day in a row that you wore a fucking turtleneck," Kenny rolled his eyes, "dead giveaway."

"That's not what it is," I tried to defend, "maybe I just like them."

Before I could react, Kenny quickly reached over and pulled the neck of my sweater down, revealing what he already knew.

"Hah! Knew it!" Kenny laughed.

"Kenny!" I smacked his hand away.

"So..who?" Kenny asked.

"I can't say." I quickly said.

"It was Stan wasn't it?" He still laughed.

"What?!" I felt my face turn bright red, "Why the hell would you even assume that?!"

"Holy shit..." Kenny said, "I was just joking around but...with how you're reacting..."

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say.

The bell rang and I tried to walk away, but Kenny pulled me back.

"Class can wait, I'm too invested now," Kenny began, "tell me everything."

"Well, after you all left Craig's last party, Stan and I were alone and he drunkenly admitted that he had feelings for me and we started making out..." I told him.

"Did you both forget that Stan has a girlfriend?" Kenny asked.

"Kenny, just hear me out before saying anything else," I told him, "I know this is completely fucked up, but...he's dating us both...he wants to see who he likes more."

Kenny just stared at me in shock, "What the actual hell?"

"Well, why did you even assume the hickeys were from Stan?" I asked him.

"Well, around a month ago," Kenny started, "Stan and I were hanging out, and he was being all weird asking me if I would ever risk a strong friendship that I had almost my whole life if it means that I could be happy, and when I asked him to explain more, he acted all nervous and changed the subject. He sure as hell wasn't talking about Cartman, and he wouldn't talk to me about it if he was talking about me, so obviously it's you."

"Okay, well you can't tell anyone Kenny." I quickly said.

"I swear, I won't say anything." Kenny told me.

Wendy's pov

I was doing my job as my third period teacher's aid, taking papers to another classroom, when I heard voices, but what I heard made me stop before turning a corner.

"Stan and Wendy definitely can't know." It was Kyle's voice.

"You can trust me dude," I heard Kenny say, "I just didn't think that you had feelings for Stan."

"I didn't know I did either until recently." Kyle sighed.

What the fuck?!

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