chapter 12

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Stan's pov

I just got home from a date with Wendy, and just threw myself on the couch. I told her I wasn't feeling good to get out of spending all night with her. I love her, just not as much as I love Kyle. And hanging out with her has felt draining lately.

"You okay Stan?" My mom asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked her.

"Well it's 8:00 on a Saturday night and you're home," my mom said, "I thought you might be out with Wendy or your friends."

"What? I can't spend time alone?" I nervously laughed.

"Stan, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" My mom asked.

"I'm fine mom, really." I lied.

"Okay Stan." She sighed, walking upstairs. She knew I really wasn't, but I guess she knew she'd get nowhere trying to talk to her teenage son.

I went up to my room and just laid in my bed with my headphones, trying to get my mind off of Kyle. He doesn't want to be with me, I just need to focus on Wendy. But any song that mentioned love, made me think of Kyle, not Wendy. I needed a better escape.

I went downstairs and stole a few of my dads beers. But it might have been a bad idea, as I was soon stumbling across the street to Kyle's house.

Kyle's pov

I was watching tv with Ike in the living room, when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door, seeing Stan.

I scoffed, "What are you doing here?"

"Kyyyle! I need to tell you something!" He slurred.

"I'll just leave you two alone." Ike said, quickly going upstairs.

"Stan, go home, you're drunk." I told him.

"Kyle..I love you..." he held the side of my face, "I..I love you more than Wendy."

I felt my face turn red, but quickly slapped his hand away. "No you don't Stan."

"Yes...I do.." He looked at me with sad eyes.


I was cut off by him crashing his lips against mine. I really did miss this feeling. But does he really love me more than Wendy? He may be drunk, but that's when people speak the truth. I mean, he was drunk when he first kissed me and confessed his feelings for me. I had to force myself to pull away.

Stan looked like he was about to pass out. I sighed, and dragged him up the stairs. Just like the last time his drunk ass was here, I laid him down in my bed and took the floor. My feelings aren't going to fade if he just doesn't leave me alone.


I was woken up in the middle of the night by Stan jumping out of my bed, and running past me to the bathroom, puking his guts out.

I sighed, getting up and walking down to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. I mean, I do still care about him.

  I joined Stan in the bathroom, rubbing his back as he threw up, he's lucky I care about about him cause I wouldn't do this for anyone else. Once he was done, I handed him the water and he quickly drank it all.

  "Thank you Kyle..."

  "Let's get you back to bed." I said, helping him up, leading him back to my room.

He got back in my bed and held his arms out. "Lay with me."

  "No Stan, just go to sleep." I said to him.

  "I need to cuddle when I don't feel good!" He whined.

  "Ugh, you're such a baby when you're sick," I groaned, joining him in the bed, "I'm only doing this so you shut up."

  "I'll take it." Stan said, wrapping his arms around me.

  This is the first time Stan and I spent the night together like this, but it felt nice. I'm gonna fall back into this trap.

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