chapter 3

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Kyle's pov

I really shouldn't be upset. I told Stan that he should just forget how he feels about me, but at the same time, I don't think I really meant it. It would be wrong to do it to Wendy, but at the same time, last night , all I could think of was how amazing it felt to kiss Stan. What would it be like to be with Stan? He said he doesn't know who he wants to be with, but it seems he picked Wendy as he said he doesn't want to do anything to hurt her.

I mean, I did tell Stan to just forget how he felt about me, so he defintely thinks I don't want to be with him. But...I would actually love to be with him.

Stan's pov

I was having lunch with Wendy, and even though I was happy to see her, I couldn't stop thinking of Kyle. He really thinks I should tell her how I feel, but there's no way I'm doing it. I love Wendy too much to hurt her.

"Stan, what are you thinking about?" Wendy asked.

"Huh, oh..nothing babe," I smiled, "I'm having a good time with you though."

"Yeah, me too." Wendy smiled.

"You wanna go see a movie or something?" I asked her.

"Sure, I'd love to." She agreed.

I kinda just wanna go home, but I felt like I had to spend all day with Wendy. I felt so guilty for kissing Kyle, even though I just wanna do it again. I started having feelings for him last year, so it was getting kind of difficult to ignore. I want to be with him, but I want to be with Wendy too. Why'd I have to go and kiss Kyle? While I always knew how I felt about him, I could keep it under control. But now that he knows and I kissed him, its like I can't handle it anymore. This whole situation was just stressful.

At the end of the night, I took Wendy home and kissed her goodbye.

"Goodnight babe, I love you." I smiled at her.

"Goodnight, I love you too." Wendy also smiled.

I went home, and was considering going across the street to Kyle's house to talk to him, but I decided against it. What could I say to make this better? Kyle doesn't want to to be with me anyway, so I should just focus on my feelings for Wendy, she is with me and is happy with me. Why did Kyle even ask who I wanted to be with? He doesn't even want to be with me, so why does it matter?

I went to my room and just threw myself on my bed. what am I going to do? Even if Kyle doesn't want to be with me, I just can't stop thinking about being with him.

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