chapter 30

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Kyle's pov

  I was confused on why my mom was gone and if it was a good thing or not.

  "What do you mean?" I asked my dad, "Is she okay?"

  "Well, she was very angry with you Kyle," my dad began, "not only did you lie about where you were, but you were with Stan, and refused to come home when she told you."

  "Well, are you angry with me?" I asked.

  "I am upset that you lied to me, but now I understand why you did.." My dad trailed off, making me turn a bright shade of red.

  "I um..."

  "Don't worry about telling me where you really were, cause I'm sure that would leave to a conversation neither of us want to have." My dad said.

  "Right um..but where's mom?" I asked, actually wanting to know and wanting to change the subject.

  "Well, your mother and I had very different opinions on how we should've reacted," he began, "meaning, she um...well...she wanted to send you away."

  "Wait, do you mean like a gay conversion camp or something?!" I asked, shocked.

  "Yeah..she was that mad..." My dad told me, "but I told her that was wrong, and wouldn't change anything, and that she just needed to accept you the way you were."

  "So, she left cause you weren't homophobic like her?" I asked.

  "Well, she said your brother and I were 'just as bad' for accepting you, so I told her she needed to leave, and not come back until she can be supportive." He told me.

  "Wow..." I said, "Uh, thanks? I think."

  "I just want to make sure you're actually comfortable coming home Kyle," My dad said.


  Later that night, Ike came in my room.

  "Dude, mom is really pissed at you." He said.

  "So I've heard." I said.

  "So...what were you really doing over the weekend?" Ike smirked.

  "None of your business." I quickly said, feeling my face heat up.

  "Well to be honest, I'm kinda glad mom left," Ike began, "she was being a huge bitch."

  "What else is new?" I sarcastically replied.

  "Yeah, I guess you're right." Ike said.

  My phone went off and I saw that I had a text from Stan.

Stan: everything go okay babe?

Kyle: well can you come over? its a lot to text

Stan: be right there

  I went downstairs to let Stan in, before my dad could and create awkward tension. We went up to my room and closed the door.

  "So, whats going on?" Stan asked.

  "Well, my dad basically kicked my mom out for being homophobic." I told him.

  "Damn, that's crazy dude," Stan began, "but good, right?"

  "Yeah, I really think this is for the better." I smiled.

  "Do you think she will change?" Stan asked.

  "I don't know.." I sighed.

  "I hope everything works out for you." Stan told me.

  "Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked him, "It might be kinda hard to sleep without you now."

  "Agreed," Stan began, "I'll stay with you."

  It was so nice to fall asleep next to Stan.

AN: might not be updating this for awhile cause I'm having writer's block and I might be ending this soon but I'm writing another Style fic and will start posting from my K2 story I've also been working on until I can think of how to continue this

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