chapter 23

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Stan's pov

  They know I'm in love with Kyle, but how?  Did I make it that obvious?

  "What umm...what are you talking about?" I asked.

  "I always knew," my mom began, "I never had anything against Wendy, but I often wondered what you were doing with her and was hoping that you could figure out for yourself who you really loved."

  "Um...well, yeah, I-I am..but uh, how did you know?" I asked.

  "Oh please!" Shelley rolled her eyes.

  "That obvious, huh?" I nervously laughed.

  "Yeah, a little." My dad said.

  "Stan, just know we love you no matter what, we want you to be happy, and if being with Kyle makes you happy, then that's okay." My mom smiled.

Kyle's pov

  I was lying in my bed about to text Stan, when there was a knock on my door.

  "Yeah?" I called out.

  My dad opened the door, making me sit up in bed, "Hey Kyle, can we talk?"

  "Sure dad." I told him, as he sat next to me.

  "I'm sorry your mother isn't accepting of you," my dad began, "Ike and I tried talking to her, but it didn't help."

  "It's fine..." I said, even though I was upset about it, "at least I have you and Ike."

  "To be honest Kyle, I knew you were gay for awhile." He told me.

  "You did?" I asked, "How?"

  "There are just certain things a parent can tell about their children," He said, "even when you were with your girlfriend last year, I knew."

  "Damn, maybe you should've told me." I lightly laughed.

  "That was for you yourself to figure out," My dad told me, "But I'm glad you did."

  "Me too." I agreed.

  Once my dad left, I texted Stan.

Kyle: hey! did u tell your parents?

Stan: yep! id say it went pretty well but what about u?

Kyle: it went kinda good. my dad was cool but my mom was not

Stan: damn sorry dude

Kyle: im ok tho! goonight babe ill see u tomorrow!

Stan: goodnight my love!


  The rest of the week, Wendy still kept staring at Stan and I, but we spent everyday together after school. I know I definitely was in love with him at this point. I was excited to tell him! I invited him over after school Friday.

  "You should come over after school."

  "I would love to come over." Stan smiled.

  My mom didn't like him coming over since she found out about us, but I didn't care. I was so happy with him. We were just laying in my bed watching a movie like usual, but it was still nice.

  "Stan, do you want to say over tonight?" I asked, "My parents should be in bed by now so they won't know."

  "Of course baby." Stan smiled, pulling me closer to him.

  "Good," I smiled back, "I love you Stan."

  "Really? You do?" Stan asked.

  "Yeah, I do." I smiled again, making him do the same.

  "I love you too Kyle." Stan kissed me sweetly.

  My mom may not support us, but I'm so glad everything else was going so great.

Our Little Secret (Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now