chapter 7

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Stan's pov

  It's been a whole week since I've started a second relationship. No matter how guilty I felt for cheating on Wendy, I feel like this might work.

  "Hey Kyle." I smiled as I walked up to him at the end of the day.

  "Hey." He also smiled.

  "So..Wendy has cheerleading practice after school and I was wondering if you wanted to do something..." I said to him.

  "Sure, your house or mine?" He asked.

  All we would do when we hung out together was go to each other's houses and play video games and of course make out.

  "Actually, I was thinking we could actually try going on a date?" I suggested.

  Kyle's eyes seemed to light up, "Really?"

  "Yeah," I smiled, "we could go get dinner or something."

  "Wait, should we really be going on a public date?" Kyle asked.

  "I mean, people will just see it as two best friends hanging out," I started, "but we'll know the truth."

  "Well, then yes," Kyle smiled, "I would love to go on a date with you."

  "Cool." I also smiled.

  "So where do you want to meet?" He asked.

  "It's a date, you can ride with me." I told him.

  "Okay, so I guess I'll see you in a few hours?" He asked.

  "Sounds good." I smiled.

  After I got home, I texted Kyle.

Stan: just me know when ur ready xx

Kyle: will do :) Just wanted to shower first

  I decided to do the same, and just wait to hear from him again. I started to feel a little nervous, Kyle and I've always hung out, but knowing it was a date just made it feel different. The nervous feeling increased as Kyle texted me again.

Kyle: ready dude!

Stan: ok! meet me outside!

Kyle's pov

I started walking downstairs and got really nervous. My and Stan's first date. What if he decides he doesn't wanna be with me? What if he decides Wendy is more fun to hang out with romantically?

I tried to shake those thoughts from my head, and walked out the front door to see Stan pull into my driveway.

Stan's pov

  Kyle got into my car and he looked really nice. Maybe I should've tried to dress a little better too.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Kyle asked.

  "Sorry," I blushed, "you just look hot."

  Now he was the one blushing.

  "Oh..uh...thanks," Kyle said shyly, "so do you."

The date was actually pretty great, even if it was just dinner and a movie. Since it was dark in the theater, I got to hold Kyle's hand which was nice. Afterwards, we went back to my house to make out in my room, but this time, it was getting more heated than usual.

Kyle was laid back on my bed with his legs wrapped around my waist while I had my hands under his shirt on his bare hips, as he had his fingers tangled in my hair. After awhile, I moved my lips to his neck to leave a few love bites.

I definitely wanted it to go further, but I didn't know if Kyle did. I know he's not a virgin cause I know he slept with Bebe when they went out last year, but I know he's never slept with another guy. I haven't either, obviously only being with Wendy, but I've felt this way about Kyle too long to not have thought about it.

After awhile we were just laying in my bed together cuddling close with each other. Kyle ended up leaving around 11:00 that night so we were alone for quite awhile. A had a lot of missed calls and texts from Wendy but I was too busy with Kyle I didn't even realize it. For the first time since dating them both, I finally started to lean more towards one of them.

And it was Kyle.

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