chapter 29

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Stan's pov

  I stayed in bed with Kyle all day. Later that day after cuddling close, we went for round two. This trip was such a great idea, other than my parents rooming right next to us. I completely forgot about that later as I was just in the moment with Kyle.

  "I'm really glad we did this." Kyle smiled.

  "Me too baby." I smiled.


  It was sad when Sunday came. It was the day Kyle and I left, and I knew that when I got home I had to have an awkward conversation with my parents.

  "Ready to leave?" Kyle asked me.

  "No, not really." I said.

  "Yeah, me neither baby." Kyle said.

  Kyle drove the long way to Denver so I offered to drive us back, and he seemed happy about that, handing me his keys.


  "Back to South Park..." Kyle sighed, as we passed the welcome sign.

  "Yeah, boring home." I agreed.

  I pulled into Kyle's driveway, and gave him a long kiss.

  "See you later babe."

  "Yeah, if my mom doesn't kill me." Kyle lightly laughed.

  "Good luck," I told him, "let me know if you need anything."

  "I will. Later hun." Kyle gave me another quick kiss before we both got out of his car and grabbed our things.

  I looked over at my house and saw my parents cars, telling me they were home. I was not ready for this. I walked inside and didn't see them so I tried to sneak up to my room, but my parents must have heard me from where they in the kitchen.

  "Stan?" My mom called, walking around the corner, with my dad right behind her.

  "Yeah, I'm home.." I sighed.

  "Good, we need to talk..." She said, walking over to the couch with my dad.

  "Great." I sarcastically replied, dropping my bags at the foot of the stairs and sitting in the chair.

  "Stan, we um...we know why you were at the hotel, cause we also wanted a little weekend getaway to be alone..." My mom told me.

  Gross, I don't wanna hear about that.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." I nervously laughed.

  "We're not stupid Stan," My dad began, "but we're not mad either, this isn't about that."

  "You're not?" I asked, "Then what is this about?"

  "Well, we know that you love Kyle and you are an adult and so we can't tell you what you can and can't do," My mom started, "we just wanna make sure that you're being safe-"

  "Yeah no," I cut her off, quickly standing up, "we're not having this conversation."

  I quickly went up to my room before my parents could say more.

Kyle's pov

  I expected to be yelled at the moment I walked inside my house, but nothing. I walked upstairs and could hear Ike playing video games in his room, but I didn't see my mom or dad anywhere. Come to think about it, I didn't see any of their cars in the driveway.

  I decided to just lay in bed and listen to music. After awhile, I heard a knock on my door.


  Guess my dad came home. I shut off my music and sat up in bed.

  "Yeah?" I answered.

  My dad came in my room and sat next to me, "I need to tell you something."

  "Okay..what?" I asked.

  "Your mother is gonna be gone for awhile."

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