chapter 4

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Kyle's pov

The next morning at school, I was at my locker and looked over at Stan at his. Why'd he have to be so stupid and kiss me? Why'd he have to go and make me realize that I like him? I told Stan that he needed to forget about his feelings for me, but I can't forget about my feelings for him.

"Hey Stan." Wendy said going up to him.

"Hey there beautiful." Stan also smiled before kissing her.

The bell rang, and I started on my way to my class, trying to ignore the jealousy I felt, when I felt someone grab my arm. I looked over to see Stan.

"Hey dude, can I talk to you really quick?" He asked.

"About what?" I asked, even though I was pretty sure I knew.

Stan then dragged me into the janitors closet, locking the door.

"Stan, what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Kyle, this is gonna sound crazy, but...can I kiss you again?" He asked.

"Dude, what?!" I asked, shocked.

"I need to kiss you when I'm sober...I just...I need to be sure of how I feel.." Stan said.

Don't let him Kyle. No matter how bad you want it, say no!

"Uh..o-okay..." I told him.

Stan held the side of my face, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, but it soon turned into making out, as we both seemed to just want more of each other. As bad as it seemed, I don't even think I really care about what this would do to Wendy anymore. I want Stan, and he wants me too. We were making out until we had to pull away for air.

"Kyle, I don't understand what you're doing..." Stan began, "You say you don't wanna be with me, but there's no way you don't feel the same way. You said kissing me felt right.."

"Stan...I..I do want to be with you.." I confessed.

"Then why are you acting like you don't?" Stan asked.

"Because...I didn't want you to hurt Wendy..but I don't even care anymore!" I also confessed.

"Well uh...I love her dude..." Stan trailed off.

"Do you really though?" I asked, "If you loved her, would you be doing any of this?"

"What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I love you-Wendy!" He quickly corrected himself, "Of course I love Wendy!"


"Uh...I gotta go!" Stan quickly said, quickly running out.

What the fuck is going on with him?

AN: two updates today since they're short chapters! they'll get longer eventually!

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