chapter 10

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Stan's pov

  I ruined my relationship with Kyle. God! why am I so stupid? I still wanted to try and talk to him, so I walked up to him at his locker the next day.


  "What?" He began, "Wanna waste my time some more?"

  "Dude, that's not what I'm trying to do!" I quickly defended.

  "Don't worry about me anymore Stan," Kyle told me, "whatever we had is over, it's just not worth it anymore." He walked away from me.


  After thinking about it for a while, I decided to come clean to Kenny.

  "Hey Kenny," I began, walking up to him, "can I talk to you about something."

  "Of course dude." He said to me.

  "You can't tell anyone though, it's a pretty big secret." I told him.

  "What is it man?" Kenny asked.

  "So...I'm in love with Wendy...and Kyle...I'm dating them both-well, was until Kyle decided to end it." I sighed.

  " crazy man.." Kenny said.

  "You don't seem too surprised," I began, "You already knew didn't you?" I asked him

  "Yeah," he confessed, "Kyle accidentally mentioned it and told me everything. But he ended things?"

  "Yeah, he says it's not gonna work out and not worth it." I said sadly.

  "Well, you couldn't just keep stringing him along if you weren't gonna pick him," Kenny started, "that's fucked up."

  "I just needed a little bit more time..." I told him, "I mean..I was leaning more towards Kyle."

  "Did you tell him that?" Kenny asked.


  "Then tell him dumbass." Kenny rolled his eyes, "That might change his mind."

  "But...I love Wendy too." I told him, "I just want them both..."

  "But if you're leaning more towards Kyle, he seems like the right choice." Kenny explained.

  I sighed, "I just don't wanna hurt Wendy."

  "Do what you want Stan, but that's just my opinion." Kenny shrugged.

Kenny was right, but I can't hurt Wendy. But, Kyle is done with me. I guess I should just stay with Wendy like Kyle said.

Kyle's pov

  I really didn't want to end things with Stan, but there was no point in continuing it. He's been with Wendy since elementary school, he was gonna pick her.

  I walked down to the kitchen to find some food, and Ike gave me a weird look.

  "Are you okay Kyle?"

  "I'm fine dude." I told him.

  "You know I can always tell when you're lying." Ike rolled his eyes.

  I sighed, he's right, "Come with me real quick."

  Ike followed me up to my room where I explained everything to him.

  "I told you that Stan was going to try and choose between Wendy and I, but I didn't tell you that he was secretly dating me on the side."  I told him.


  "I know, it's horrible," I began, "but I broke up with him, the truth is, it was never gonna work out and he would've ended up picking Wendy anyway."

  "Are you sure about that?" Ike asked.

  "100 percent."

Stan's pov

  Wendy was home alone so we were making out on her couch.

  "Do you want to go upstairs?" She giggled.

  "Um, I'm not really in the mood." I told her.

  "Oh, well okay," Wendy said, "I'm just glad to be spending time with you."

  "Me too." I smiled.

  Truth is, I haven't been sexually attracted to Wendy in awhile, and even though I never actually slept with Kyle, I was sexually attracted to him. And he's who I want to be more.

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