chapter 15

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Kyle's pov

  I was not expecting to have sex with Stan today, my feelings just took over, but I'm glad I did, and I defintely want it again. Stan and I were laying in my bed, cuddling close together.

  "Kyle, I know you don't want me back in a romantic way right now," Stan started, "but, I definitely wouldn't mind doing this again."

  "Me neither." I placed a kiss to his lips.

We heard my front door open, followed by the voices of my family. Stan and I quickly got dressed and made our way downstairs to avoid suspicion.

Stan's pov

I left Kyle's house once we heard his family come home. I hated to leave him after the time we just spent together.

  The next week at school, Wendy was clinging to me as usual, and I would wink at Kyle and flirt with him when she wasn't around. The flirting was always sexual, making him blush like crazy and always smack me in the arm. I love how worked up I can get him.

I haven't been able to hang out with Kyle since we slept together because Wendy didn't seem to let me out of her sight when we weren't in school. I probably would be hanging with her anyway though because of the guilt I felt. I just can't help that I love her and Kyle both.

  It was now Saturday night, and I was getting ready for the homecoming dance when I got a text from Kyle.

Kyle: u know I should really close ur curtains when ur changing

Stan: idk they were open but u know u liked it ;)

Kyle: maybe...

Stan: maybe ill see u later?

Kyle: yea just lmk

I left my house and went on my to Wendy's house. I knocked on her door and she answered, smiling.

  "You look beautiful." I smiled.

  "You look great too." She still smiled as I leaned down to give her a kiss.

  Something seemed off this past week every time I kissed her. I'm not sure what it was, but I shook the thought as we got in my car.

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