chapter 11

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Stan's pov

It was now Friday, It's been a little over a week since Kyle broke up with me.

  Kyle wasn't even speaking to me anymore. I kept trying to talk to him between classes, and he just walked away from me. I wish I never went to that stupid party or kissed Kyle, cause now I can't get him out of my head.

  We had second period together, so I tried talking to him in there.

  "Kyle.." I whispered.

  Nothing. He just looked down at his work.

  "Kyle?" I tried again.

  "Leave me alone," Kyle snapped, "I'm trying to do my work."

  "Kyle, please, can we talk?" I asked him.

  "Shut up!" He whisper shouted.

  "I miss talking to you..." I told him.

  "I don't care." He rolled his eyes.

  I sighed, he's not gonna hear me out.

  It was now time for gym, and I was sitting on the bleachers alone, until Kenny came up to me.

  "Hey dude," he began, sitting next to me, "you still down about the whole thing with Kyle?"

  "Yeah..." I sighed, "I at least wanna be friends again.

  "I'm telling you man, he's the one you should be with." Kenny told me.

  "I know!" I threw my head in my hands, "But he won't even talk to me anymore..."

  "You're just gonna have to try harder," Kenny told me, "I'll try to help."

  "I've been thinking about it a lot.." I started, "I feel like I'm more in love with Kyle than Wendy."

  "You're in love with Kyle?" I heard as Craig came out from behind the bleachers with Tweek.


  "Um-I-uh-what are you even doing behind the bleachers?!" I panicked.

  "Um, nothing." Tweek blushed as Craig did the same.

  "God you two are so gay." Kenny laughed.

  "You're one to talk, always flirting with Butters," Craig rolled his eyes, "and apparently Stan is too."

  "No I'm not!" I felt my face turn red, "Keep your voice down!" I whipser yelled.

  "You're just in love with Kyle?" Craig raised an eyebrow.

  I sighed, "Yes...but don't tell anyone."

  "It was kinda obvious there was always something between you two." Tweek said.

  "I mean, he's right." Kenny said.

Kyle's pov

  It was the end of the day and I was walking to my car when I saw Kenny leaning against his beat up truck, smoking a cigarette.

  "Waiting for Butters again?" I asked him.

  "Yep," he smiled, "but, I wanna talk to you."

  "About what?" I asked.

  "Well, last week, Stan told me about you two as well, and I think you should give him another chance." Kenny told me.

  I shook my head, "Not happening."

  "Why not?" Kenny then put the cigarette out.

  "It's pointless," I began, "he's gonna choose Wendy, I mean, he spends way much more time with her, been with her way longer, and I think he's pretty comfortable in the closet."

  "Do you hate him? Kenny asked.

  "No," I sighed, "I just need to stay away from him to try and to let my feelings fade, I mean Wendy wants me to stay away from him since she found out how I felt."

  "Well, Stan thinks you hate him," Kenny shrugged, "just try talking to him."

  "Hey fellas!" Butters said, walking up to us.

  "Hey." Kenny smiled.

  "I'll see you guys tomorrow, bye." I waved to them.

  I'm not talking to Stan, even if I do miss him. I just need to distance myself from him.

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