chapter 6

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Stan's pov

  After not being able to sleep last night, I came up with an idea, I'm just not sure how Kyle will react to it.

Before first period started, I saw a Kyle at his locker and went up to him, "Hey dude."

"Oh, hey Stan.." he said, not making eye contact.

  "Kyle, can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

  "Is it a normal conversation, or a janitors closet conversation?" He asked.

  "Well..." I started.

  He sighed, "Fine."

We made sure no one was around, and quickly went into the janitors closet.

Kyle's pov

"Again, this is gonna sound absolutely insane, but just hear me out." Stan told me.

"Okay, I'm listening." I said to him.

"Well... what if while I'm dating Wendy.... I secretly date you too..." He suggested.

  I just looked at him in disbelief, "You're right, that's fucking insane!"

  "Kyle, just hear me out!" Stan said.

"You're asking me to be your side piece!" I quietly shouted.

  "I didn't mean it like that." Stan started, "but like I said, I want to be with you both."

  "I want to be with you too Stan," I told him, "but not as a side piece or a secret."

"Well if I'm dating you both, this way it should be easier to decide who I want to be with," He explained, "I promise, it shouldn't take any longer than a month."

  This was absolutely ridiculous and completely wrong. But I'm so desperate for any of Stan's physical or romantic attention.

  "Uh...okay." I agreed.

  "So...does that mean I can kiss you whenever I want?" Stan asked.

  Instead of answering, I just grabbed his face, pulling him into a kiss.

  "Great answer." Stan smiled after, pulling me into another kiss.


  It's been a whole week since Stan and I started a secret relationship. I had very mixed feelings about it, but mostly happy.

  Happy because I was with Stan, sad because it was a secret, and I didn't have him to myself, and guilt. I know I said I didn't care about how Wendy would feel about it, but I still felt a little guilty that I was the one her boyfriend was cheating on her with. Stan would walk past me in the halls holding hands with Wendy, but give me a loving gaze and a wink when she wasn't looking.

  In a way, I felt kind of pathetic. I was really okay with this because of how much I liked Stan. I was okay with being a secret and a side piece just for just some of my best friends love and affection.

Our Little Secret (Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now