chapter 14

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smut warning

Stan's pov

  I got to Kyle's and knocked on his door, and he immediately answered.

  "Hey." He smiled.

  "Hey dude," I walked inside, "what you want me over here for?"

  "Just to hang out and talk." Kyle shrugged as we walked over to the couch.

  "Talk about what exactly?" I asked him.

  "Well, I wanted to apogize for being an asshole towards you," Kyle started, "I was just...trying to distance myself from you in hopes that my feelings for you would go away, but it's not working."

  "Well, I'm glad you wanted to see me, I was kinda getting annoyed with Wendy to tell the truth." I sighed.

  "Why's that?" Kyle asked.

  "Well, she's been kind of clingy," I told him, "and she doesn't even want to let me hang out with any friends."

  "Yet you still want to be with her.." Kyle rolled his eyes.

  "Well, there is a reason my feelings for you or stronger than my feelings for her," I sighed, "I'm not even sexually attracted to her anymore.."

  "You're not?" Kyle asked.

  Fuck I didn't mean to say that last part outloud.

  "Well, no...not really.." I said.

  It was quiet for a moment before Kyle spoke up.

  "Well uh...nevermind." Kyle nervously laughed.

  "No, what is it?" I asked.

  "It's stupid.." Kyle said.

  "I bet it's not." I told him.

  "Well it just Wendy you're not sexually attracted to?" Kyle asked.

  "If you're asking if I'm still sexually attracted to you, yes, I am." I told him.

  "Well...what if I just..."

  "What if you just take care of that part for me?" I smirked.

  "I didn't say that!" Kyle quickly said.

  "But that's what you were thinking." I leaned closer to him.

  "Well.." Kyle blushed, "if she can't satify all your needs..."

  I stood up from the couch and pulled Kyle up with me, "Well we are alone, let's go up to your room then."

Kyle's pov

  Stan basically threw me down on my bed, climbing on top of me and kissing me roughly. I tore his shirt off his body before he helped me out of mine. After giving me even more hickies then last time, Stan removed my pants and boxers before quickly removing his own.

  "Eager are we?" I smirked.

  "Kyle, you don't know how bad I've been wanting this." Stan said to me.

  "Oh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow, "show me how bad you wanted it."

  I've only ever been with Bebe sexually where I was the dominant one, but I will definitely let Stan dominate me.

  "Kyle, you got any-"

  Before he could finish his sentence, I opened the drawer of my nightstand, grabbing the lube, giving it to Stan.

  "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Stan asked me.

  "I'm more than sure." I told him.

  Stan squeezed the lube into his hand, coating his fingers with it.

Stan's pov

  As much as I wanted this, I started to feel nervous. I had some knowledge of how this works, but I've never had sex with a guy. What if Kyle regrets this and I lose him again? I just got him talking to me again. But he looked so hot underneath me.

  I threw Kyle's legs over my shoulders to get into a better position. I rubbed some lube over his entrance, slowly pushing a finger in, making his breath hitch. Kyle moaned once I added a second finger, moving them in a scissoring motion. I watched his face, loving the reactions I was causing. I added a third finger, just to make sure he was stretched enough.


  "No need to beg baby, I want this too." I smirked.

  I pulled my fingers out, then lubed up my cock before positioning myself.

  "Okay Kyle, you ready?" I asked him.

  "Yes, please just do it already." Kyle said to me.

  "I told you you didn't have to beg."

  I slowly pushed myself into him, as he bit down on his bottom lip.

  "No need to keep quiet, I wanna hear you." I smirked, pushing myself fully into him, making him moan in pleasure as a couple of tears formed in his eyes.

  I stopped for a minute, giving Kyle time to adjust to my size, then slowly moving out before quickly thrusting back in.

  "Fuck Stan!" Kyle screamed out.

  " feel so good around me Kyle."

  It was a good thing Kyle's family wasn't home. His moans and digging his nails into my skin just turned me on even more, making me go even faster.

  After we both finished, I fell back on the bed next to Kyle, as we both tried to catch our breaths.

  "Fuck that was amazing Kyle." I said to him,

  "Yeah it was." Kyle agreed.

  "I'll be right back, just let me clean myself up." I told him before making my way to the bathroom.

  This may have been the first time we slept together, but it definitely won't be the last.

AN: I am not that good at writing detailed smut but I know a lot of you horny bitches hated that I skipped it in my last book so I'm trying it now.

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