chapter 25

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Kyle's pov

I woke up the next day, in so much emotional pain still. I really thought I could trust Stan but I guess I was wrong. This whole break was supposed to us spending time together, now I'm gonna have to use it to try and get over him, even though I failed last time.

"Kyle?" Ike knocked on my door.

"Come in." I sighed.

"Are you okay to talk now?" Ike asked me.

"No, not really, but I'm gonna have to eventually." I sat up in my bed, signalling him to come sit with me.

"So are you and Stan fighting?" Ike asked, "I heard him trying to talk to you yesterday."

"Well, I think I got a taste of my own medicine." I sighed.

"Meaning?" Ike asked.

"I think Stan was cheating on me with Wendy." I told him.

"What tells you that?" Ike questioned

I explained eveything to him, trying not to let it show how hurt I actually was.

"I'm sorry Kyle." Ike said.

I got a text and I groaned seeing who it was from.

Stan: are you breaking up with me?

"That Stan?" Ike asked.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes, "he wants to know if I'm breaking up with him."

"Are you?" Ike asked me.

"I don't know.." I sighed, "I love him, but he really hurt me."

My dad then came in to talk to me.

"Ike, can I talk to your brother for a minute?"

"Okay, later." Ike said leaving.

"What's up dad?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

"I know you're not," my dad said, "I heard Stan trying to talk to you yesterday and he looked upset, what's going on?"

"Nothing I want to talk about." I told him.

I'm not going to talk about my relationship problems to my dad.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said.

"Kyle!" My mom called, "You have a visitor!"

I don't think she would've told me if it was Stan, so I wondered who it could be. I got up and walked downstairs seeing Bebe.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"No, Kyle, I had nothing to do with what happened!" She quickly defended, "I really need to talk to you."

She did seem sincere, I dated her long enough to know when she was telling the truth and when she was lying, and we ended on good terms so she had no reason to lie to me.

"Fine, come with me." I told her, as we went up to my room.

"So what is it?"

"Okay, well, Wendy really wants Stan back, like, she was asking me all the time if I think he would take her back, but I kept telling her 'no' and to forget about it and let him be happy," Bebe told me, "but I guess she couldn't do that."

"So what are you saying?" I asked her.

"She admitted to me that she planned the whole thing," Bebe started, "She was gonna make you think that he was cheating on you with her so you would break up with him, and I really thought she wanted to talk to you and Stan so that's why I told you that, I swear I didn't know what she was gonna do."

  "Why should I believe that?" I asked.

  Bebe pulled out her phone and showed me texts between her and Wendy.

Wendy: why didn't you go along with it?!

Bebe: sorry Wendy but i know right from wrong'!

Bebe: stan is with Kyle now and you have to accept that

"Okay," I said, "I guess I have to believe you."

"Really?" Bebe asked, "I'm so glad you do!"

"I don't know how to talk to Stan now." I sighed.

"Well, he pushed Wendy away from him, yelled at her, and then ran after you so it obviously wanted nothing to do with her. Just wanted to let you know."

"I guess I need to try to talk to Stan." I said.

  Bebe left and i walked across the street to Stan's house. I knocked on the door and his mother answered.

  "Oh hello Kyle!" She greeted.

  "Hey Mrs marsh, is Stan here?" I asked

  "He is and he's very upset about something, maybe you can cheer him?" She suggested.

"Yeah, maybe.." I said.

  Stan's mom let me in and i went up to his room and knocked on his door.


  "Kyle?" I heard, followed by the door quickly opening.

  He definitely didn't look happy, but smiled a bit seeing me.

  "Hey dude, can we talk?" I asked

  "Yeah, of course." Stan said, letting me into his room.

  "Okay Stan," i stared, "Bebe came over and told me everything and showed me proof that Wendy planned on me seeing you guys I'm not mad."

  "Oh thank god." Stan sighed.

  "But, maybe we shouldn't be together, Wendy just gonna try to keep breaking us up." I explained.

  "No Kyle," Stan began, "we need to prove that we are still a strong couple, fuck whatever Wendy tries!"

  "I guess you got a point," I sighed, "if we weren't together, she wins.

  "So you're not breaking up with me?" Stan asked.

  "Nope, you did nothing wrong really." I said.

  "Good," Stan took my hands, "I love you too much to just let you go."

  "I love you too Stan."

AN: i realized i can update now cause my friend is passed out. i wrote some of this after drunk Kenny x Butters cosplay with them so please excuse any mistakes

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