chapter 19

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Stan's pov

It was now Friday, and I decided that this was the day that I was gonna come out to my friends. They all knew that Wendy and I were broken up, but I just told everyone that it was a mutual decision and I wasn't ready to talk about it. I wonder what she was telling people. I didn't tell Kyle that I was coming out today, so I'm sure he'd be surprised I decided to do it this early. We were at lunch, and once all of our friends have arrived, I got their attention.

"I need to tell you guys something." I said, as they all looked at me.

Kyle was sitting across from me, and he looked concerned, but I knew I was ready for this.

"What is it buddy?" Butters asked.

"Well uh, the reason that Wendy and I broke up is because I realized that I'm bi.." I'm began, "and Wendy let me go to figure myself out."

"I knew it!" Clyde said, "You always had that vibe."

"Ugh, why are you all like this?" Cartman rolled his eyes.

"Shut up fat ass," Kyle said to him, "why should you care?"

"Well I know you're happy Kyle," Cartman snickered, "you know, with your massive crush on Stan."

Kyle's face turned bright red, as he stumbled over his words.

"I-I- I don't have-what are you talking about?!"

"Stop trying to create drama where there isn't any." Kenny said to Cartman, even though he knows damn well how crazy Kyle and I are for each other.

"He just doesn't know what it's like to have a best friend you're close to because no one wants to be his friend." I added.

"Hey! I don't need any of you!" Cartman snapped, getting up from the table, "Screw you guys, I'm going home!"


I was in the parking lot after school, talking to Kyle, probably standing a little too close to each other.

" wanna stay over tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure." Kyle smiled, before getting into his car.

I was about to get into my own car, when I was approached by Craig.

"Dude." Craig said.

"What?" I asked him.

"So what's going on between you and Kyle?" Craig asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you did say you loved him more than Wendy, and now you're broken up with her and came out, and when Cartman joked that Kyle had a crush on you, he blushed like an idiot, and forgot how to talk," Craig told me, "and the way you looked just now talking to him, I know it was something."

"Well...I was gonna try to start things with him." I said, not telling him we were already together once, for obvious reasons.

"So you're not already secretly together or something?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No..we've just know, kinda hooking up these past few days." I shrugged.

"Well, good luck dude." Craig said, as Tweek walked up to him.


Kyle's pov

Stan invited me to stay over tonight. I wonder if he wanted to have sex again? I mean, it's not like his family is gone or anything, but I know we both want to do it again. I was kind of nervous but also excited.

"Hey, Stan wanted me to go over tonight, so is that okay?" I asked my parents.

"Fine by us Kyle." My dad answered.

I made my way to Stan's house at 7:00. I knocked on the door and his mom answered.

"Oh, hello Kyle," She said, moving aside, "come on in."

  "Oh, hey dude." Stan said, walking up to me.

"Hey dude," I repeated, "any reason you wanted me over?"

  "Just wanted to hang out." He winked at me.

  Stan was never really one to beat around the bush, he's usually straight forward with what he's saying but then I realized it's because his mom is still in the room.

  "Okay, what do you wanna do?" I asked, knowing exactly what he wanted to do.

  "Let's just go up to my room." He said, leading me upstairs.

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