chapter 24

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Wendy's pov

  It's taken me awhile, but I think I finally found a way to break up Stan and Kyle. I know Stan would never take me back, but if I can't be with him, I don't want anyone else to be either.

Stan's pov

  Kyle and I have been officially together for a month now. We've been going on a lot of dates, having a lot of sex, and I was having so much fun with him. It was the Friday before our Fall vacation, and Kyle and I planned to spend it together. I was getting ready to go meet up with Kyle, when Wendy pulled me aside.

  "Stan, can you come with me for a minute?" She asked me.

  "For what?" I asked.

  "I want to talk to you and Kyle, nothing bad at all, and I already told Bebe to bring Kyle over here." She told me.

  "Okay I guess."

Kyle's pov

  I was about to meet up with Stan, when Bebe came up to me.

  "Kyle, can you come with me real quick?"

  "Well, I was on my way to meet up with Stan." I said.

  "He'll be there," Bebe told me, "Wendy told me she wanted to talk to you guys about something and asked me to let you know."

  "Oh, well alright." I said, following her.

  We were walking around the corner, and that's when I saw it. Stan and Wendy kissing.

Wendy's pov

  "So what did you want to talk to us about?" Stan asked me.

  "Well uh..." I was thinking about what to say, when I heard Bebe talking, meaning her and Kyle were about to to walk around the corner.

  I quickly turned to Stan, and grabbed his face, pulling him into a kiss.

  "Wendy?!" Bebe yelled.

  Stan pushed me away and I saw Kyle rushing towards to exit.

Stan's pov

  I pushed Wendy off of me, seeing Kyle quickly leaving the building.

  "Kyle!" I called after him.

  He didn't stop.

  I turned to Wendy, "Wendy! What the fuck was that?!"

  "I was just uh.."

  "I know what this was," Bebe said, crossing her arms, "you planned all of this, didn't you?"

  "What are you talking about?" I asked Bebe.

  "Wendy wanted you back, she planned this, so Kyle would think you were cheating on him with her cause she doesn't like you two being together," Bebe said, "right Wendy?"

  "Umm..." The look on Wendy's face showed that Bebe was right.

  I then ran towards to exit, trying to catch up with Kyle, but when I got outside, I saw Kyle's car driving away.

  He's not gonna believe me, he thought I was gonna pick Wendy at first, and seeing us like that probably put that thought in his head again. I guess it kind of serves me right for cheating on Wendy with Kyle in the first place.

Kyle's pov

  I didn't say one word when I picked up Ike and he knew I didn't want to talk since he could always tell how I was feeling.

  I walked in my house behind Ike, slamming the door behind me.

  "Everything okay Kyle?" My dad asked.

  "Everything is great." I replied sarcastically, going up to my room.

  Of course this happened, Stan was still in love with Wendy, He lied to me so he could still date us both, and Wendy wanted me to stay away from him and since I didn't, she wanted to hurt me by seeing her and Stan kissing and probably told Bebe to make sure I saw it. I knew being with Stan and us being happy and in love was too good to be true. I was laying in my bed, trying to hold back tears, when there was knocking on my bedroom door.

  "Kyle! Please open the door and talk to me! I swear it wasn't what it looked like!"

  Ugh my dad must have let him in.

  "Go away!" I called out, not getting up from my bed.

  "Not until you talk to me!" Stan pleaded.

  I still ignored him, but after a minute, I heard him sigh and walk away.

Stan's pov

  I decided to leave Kyle's house and just go home. I didn't need Kyle's family to hear my desperate pleading, and he wasn't going to hear me out this soon. I had to figure out how to get him to talk to me and believe me. I love him so much, I can't lose him.

AN: one of my closest friends from out of state is visiting/staying with me for a few days and I'm picking them up from the airport later so I won't be able to update for awhile since I planned a lot with them. sorry to leave it at something like this but i know where I'm going with it! Thanks to everyone who has read it so far!

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