chapter 2

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Stan's pov

I woke up and instantly realized that I wasn't in my room. I was in Kyle's room, laying in his bed.

Where's Kyle?

I got up and saw a pillow and blanket on the floor. Kyle really gave me his bed last night and slept on the floor.

I went downstairs to see Kyle and Ike eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey dude," Kyle started as I joined them at the table, "you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, my head just kinda hurts." I told him.

"Here." Kyle said, sliding a plate of bacon in front of me.

"Thanks man." I said, taking a piece.

I knew that Kyle was wondering if I remembered last night, but I knew neither of us would bring it up in front of his brother.

We sat there in silence until Ike got up and went upstairs. I waited until I heard his bedroom close to speak.

"I know you're wondering Kyle, and yes, I remember what I told you last night," I began, "and yes, I meant it."

"Uh...let's not talk about this right here." Kyle said, getting up "Come to the backyard."

I followed Kyle outside, scared of how this talk will go.

"Kyle...I don't know what else to say.." I began, "I didn't mean for you to find out this way...I just don't think straight when I drink too much..."

"Stan, you really do have feelings for me?" Kyle asked.

"Yes Kyle, I wouldn't lie about something like this." I told him.

Kyle sighed, "Stan, you're just gonna have to try to get over it..."

"What are you talking about 'just get over it'?" I looked at him in disbelief, "Don't think I forgot that you kissed me back! But why?"

"I just can't do this to Wendy." He said.

"Why weren't you saying this to begin with last night?" I asked, "I guess it was hard to do with your tongue down my throat!"

"Stan...I kissed you back because...because it felt right." He told me.

"If it felt right to you, then why do you seem to want to just forget about it all?" I asked.

"Stan, do you want to be with me, or Wendy?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say.

"I...I want to be with..." I sighed, "I don't know."

Before Kyle said anything else, my phone went off.

"Um..that's Wendy.." I said, after checking my phone, "We were supposed to hang out today."

"Are you gonna tell her?" Kyle asked.

"No." I said quickly.

"Stan..." Kyle tried.

"I can't, you're right, I can't do this to her..." I looked down, "please don't tell will crush her."

Kyle sighed, "Its not my place to tell her. But you need to."

"No Kyle! She can't know about any of this!" I pleaded, "She can't know I kissed you or have feelings for you...I don't wanna hurt her."

"So what?" Kyle started, "You're just let her think everything is normal? That her 'perfect' boyfriend isn't falling for his best friend?"

"I have to," I told him, "If it's the way that Wendy doesn't get hurt."

Kyle's pov

Stan didn't want to do anything that would hurt Wendy...but that was hurting me.

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