chapter 26

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Stan's pov

  Just like we planned, Kyle and I thankfully got to spend our Fall break together. He spent the night when he came over to tell me what he heard, and I spent the night with him the next night.

"Stan?" Kyle asked, as we were laying in his bed.

"Yes baby?"

"We should plan a getaway," he started, "you know, it's kinda hard to be secretive that we're staying the night with each other, and kinda hard to be quiet during sex."

"That's a great idea," I told him, "but we'd have to figure out how to lie our way around it."

"Yeah, my mom would not like that I'm gonna be alone with you." Kyle agreed.

  "So where and when?" I asked him.

  "How about this weekend?" Kyle suggested, "And you can decide where."

"We can book a hotel in Denver maybe?" I suggested, "I mean, I'm 18 so I can do it."

"Sounds great." Kyle smiled, pressing a kiss to my lips.

  The next day, I told my parents the lie that Kyle and I decided to use. Even though my parents and Kyle's dad was accepting of our relationship, I don't think they'd want us going to a hotel alone.

  "This weekend, the guys and I planned to go camping, just letting you know."

  "Okay, thanks for letting us know." My mom said.

  I knew my parents were easy, it was Kyle's I was worried about.

Kyle's pov

  I was about to tell my dad and only my dad about camping. I really just need one of theirs approval.

  "Hey dad, is it okay if my I go camping with my friends this weekend?" I asked.

  "Yeah, that's fine Kyle." My dad told me.

  "Alright, thanks dad!" I said, going upstairs to start packing.

  Stan and I still spent the rest of the week together, but we both were really looking foward to the weekend. We decided to take my car since Stan usually does the driving when we do anything, I wanted to give him a break.

  We left at 10:00 Friday morning, making it to Denver a little before 11:30. Stan went and checked in while I started to get our bags out.

Stan's pov

  Kyle met me in the lobby after I checked in, and we loaded all of our stuff in the elevator.

  "Ready to spend a weekend together?" I smiled.

  "Totally!" Kyle smiled back.

  We stopped on the fifth floor where our room was and took eveything inside. We just put all of out stuff on one of the beds, since we were obviously only using one of them.

  "So it's only 12:30, what do you want to do?" Kyle asked.

  "I guess we can go get some lunch since we haven't ate at all yet." I suggested.

  Kyle and I went out to eat and just drove around Denver for a bit just looking around since the only few times we've been here, we were kids and had things to actually do. We got back to our hotel around 6:00.

  "Denver is almost just as boring as South Park." I laughed.

  "Well, now that we're back in our room, we can definitely have some fun." Kyle smirked.

  "You got that right." I smirked, pushing him down on the bed, climbing on top of him.

AN: sorry it took so long for me to update! The other day I got 2 hugs from Yungblud and he signed my tattoo for him which I also got tattooed and it's taken me awhile to get over it lmao but I'll try to get back to updating everyday eventually

Our Little Secret (Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now