chapter 28

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Stan's pov

"Stan, what are you doing here?" My dad asked.

" uh..." I struggled as I could feel my face heat up.

"Alright, I'm ready to go Randy-Stan?" My mom asked, as she walked out.

"Hey mom." I nervously laughed.

"I thought you were camping with your friends?" My mom asked.

"Well uh..." I still struggled.

"Let me guess, you're here with Kyle?" My mom asked.

I didn't need to answer for her to know that was true since my face couldn't be more red.

"We can talk about this at home." My mom told me.

My parents walked towards the elevator, and I took the stairs, trying to avoid them this time.

Kyle's pov

Stan came back about 15 minutes later with some food but something seemed to be bothering him.

  "You okay Stan?" I asked him.

  "Yeah...I'm fine." He said.

  "Are you sure?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I'm totally fine babe." Stan smiled.

  I knew that something was bothering him, he always acted this way but sometimes it's the best to just leave it alone.

Stan's pov

  I decided to not tell Kyle that my parents were staying right next door to us. I feel like it might freak him out and I did not want that. I was already freaking out that they knew we were here cause I'm sure it's obvious why. I just hope they didn't hear us last night, that would be even worse and definitely more awkward than it already was.

  "Stan, you're not even eating," Kyle began, "are you sure you're okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm just tired." I lied.

  I did try to eat a little so Kyle would believe me, but I just felt too sick to eat.

  Kyle's phone went off and he checked it, and all the color left his face.

  "Kyle? You okay?" I asked him.

  "My mom, she knows I lied to my dad and that I'm with you." He told me.

  "What? How would she know that?"

  Did my parents say something? Kyle read the next to me

Kyle's pov

Mom: your father told me you went camping with your friends but I know that's not true! You're with him, arent you?!

  Before I could think of a response, Kenny texted me.

Kenny: dude dont get mad but i might have accidentally blown your cover!

  "That your mom again?" Stan asked.

  "That was Kenny," I began, "he says he accidentally blew our cover."

  "What does he mean by that?" Stan asked.

  "I don't know, I'll ask." I said.

Kyle: what do you mean dude?

Kenny: well butters and i were at the movies and ur parents were there and saw us. she asked me what i was doing there cuz she thought we were camping so i lied and said i was too sick to go last night bit i struggled with it at first so i dont think she believed me

Kenny: im sorry dude!

Kyle: its ok its not your fault Kenny

  "My parents saw Kenny and the Butters at the movies and figured out I was lying," I told Stan, "I mean, it would be weird if Kenny wasn't one of the ones with us if we were camping."

  "Right, so what are you gonna tell your mom?" Stan asked.

  "No idea, I gotta say something though or else she'd get more mad." I sighed.

  But before I could say anything, she texted me again.

Mom: I want you home now!

  "She wants me home, but there's no way I'm letting her ruin this weekend." I told him.

  "Well, what are you gonna say now?" Stan asked.

  I was tired of my mom acting this way. I was surprised at what I said next.

Kyle: no

Mom: Kyle! Home, now!

Kyle: No. I'm gonna stay with my boyfriend instead.

Mom: I'm not gonna tell you again! Come home this instant!

  I decided to just ignore her texts and all her calls that came after her last text. I then showed Stan the texts.

  "Damn, you're finally standing up to her." Stan said.

  "Yeah, I'm tired of the way she acts." I told him.

  "Honestly, it's kinda hot." Stan smirked.

  "Really?" I also smirked.

  "Yeah," Stan began, standing up, pulling me up with him, leading me over to the bed, "makes me want you even more."

  I don't care how mad my mom gets.

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