chapter 22

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Stan's pov

Kyle and I decided to just stay at his house and watch a movie, which was good, since I could lay in bed and cuddle with him.

"I love laying here with you babe." Kyle said to me.

"Me too." I smiled, kissing his forehead.

I can't believe I'm actually with Kyle, I was falling more in love with him every day. I just know this could turn into something great.

Kyle's pov

I haven't been in a relationship with Stan that long, but I was so happy with him already. I actually think I'm falling in love with him.



"I think I want to tell my parents about us." I told him.

"Really? Already?" Stan asked, "Just yesterday you were saying you weren't ready."

"Well yeah, but I'm really happy with you, and I just want it to be out in the open." I said.

"Well if you're sure you're ready then." He smiled.

"I am sure," I smiled back, "I'll tell them tomorrow."

The next day at school, Wendy was continuously staring at Stan and I, like she wanted to kill us. I still feel pretty bad for her, but I also wish she would just get over the fact that Stan's with me now.

"Wendy's still staring." Stan said to me, during lunch.

"I've noticed," I rolled my eyes "It's getting annoying."

I was still trying to not let anything ruin my mood, cause I was coming out to my parents after school. I'm sure they'll be cool with it, they were supportive of Tweek and Craig, so they have to be supportive of their own son, right?

At the end of the day, I was saying bye to Stan in the parking lot.

"Alright, well, if you're telling you parents about us tonight, I'll tell mine too," Stan smiled, "good luck babe."

"You too." I kissed him goodbye, and we got in our cars.


Later that night, I decided to break the news at the end of dinner. We were all about finshed eating, when I spoke up.

"Mom, dad, can I talk to you about something?"

The look Ike gave me was showing me that he knew what I was doing, and he smiled slightly, showing his support.

"Of course Kyle," my mom began, "what is it?"

"Well uh...I'm gay." I said, looking down.

My parents were quiet, causing me to look up, to see their reactions.

My dad didn't look upset or anything, but my mom did.

"That's totally okay with us Kyle." My dad said to me.

"Well there's more too..." I began, "I'm dating Stan."

  "That's okay too," my dad said, turning to my mom, "Sheila?"

"No," my mom began, "I won't allow it."

  "You won't allow it?" I questioned.

"No, I won't." She said sternly.

  "Sheila, we can't tell him how to live his life." My said to her.

I got to and just went my room. I hope at least Stan's coming out is going better than mine.

Stan's pov

  I decided to waste no time, coming out as soon as my parents came home from work.

"I need to talk to you guys about something..." I said, as I went downstairs to where my family was.

  "What is it?" My dad asked.

  "Well uh...I never told you the real reason why I broke up with Wendy." I said.

  My mom and dad looked at each other and then back at me.

  "I think we know what this is about." My dad said.

  "You do?" I asked.

  "Stan," my mother began, "you're obviously in love with Kyle."

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