chapter 20

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slighty mature content

Kyle's pov

As expected, Stan immediately had me pinned underneath him on his bed once we got to his room.

"Stan, you sure you want to do this right now?" I asked, "Your family is awake downstairs."

"That's just means you'll have to be quiet this time," Stan started, "shame though, I liked hearing you scream my name."

I was gonna say something else, but couldn't focus on anything other than Stan sucking on my neck.

Okay I don't care anymore.

Soon after, we were quickly helping each other out of our clothes.

Stan's pov

This time with Kyle was just as great as the last time. I loved even just laying in bed with my arms around Kyle afterwards. I really wanted more with him.

"Kyle?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"I was just thinking," I began, "if the sex is great, why don't we actually be together again too?"

"You really want to be together?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I do." I kissed his forehead.

"Like, actually be a public couple?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I would love to show you off." I smiled, making Kyle do the same.

"I would love to be with you Stan."


Kyle and I hung out all weekend, meaning a lot of physical interaction. I was excited to go to school and show everyone that we were together.

"Stan, are you gonna tell your parents?" Kyle asked, "I know I said, I didn't want to be a secret, but it's okay if you're not ready to tell them, cause I don't think I am either."

"I didn't even think about that," I said, "I'm okay with telling them, but I'll wait until you're ready since our parents talk."

"I'm not scared of telling my brother at all since he already knows I'm gay, and he's always liked you." Kyle told me.

"That's good to know I'll have at least one stamp of approval from your family." I smiled.


It was now Monday, and I was waiting in the school parking lot waiting for Kyle to arrive. I smiled when I saw his car pull up next to mine.

"Hey baby." I smiled, as he got out.

"Hey." He also smiled, giving me a quick kiss.

I grabbed his hand, and we walked into the school together and as expected, people seemed shocked when they saw us together, but we didn't care. We walked up to Kenny, who smiled when he saw us holding hands.

"Finally dude." He said to us.

"What do you mean finally?" I asked, "I've only been broken up with Wendy for like a week."

"Yeah, but when I knew about it first, I was wondering when you'd be official since I knew you were gonna end up with Kyle," He explained, "and I'm glad you did."

"Well, I'm glad he picked me too." Kyle smiled.

Cartman walked up to us and rolled his eyes.

"God dammit, now you guys are even gayer."

"Oh yeah?" Kenny asked, "So does it make you even more mad that I'm waiting for my own boyfriend?"

"Wait, you finally asked Butters?" Kyle asked.

"Yep." Kenny smiled, "We were hanging out over the weekend and we made it official last night."

"That's great for you !" I told him.

Just then, Butters came around the corner.

"Hey fellas!" He said to us, before turning to Kenny, "Hi Ken!"

"Hi." Kenny smiled, kissing his cheek, making him blush.

"Alright, I'm out of here." Cartman said, walking off, as we all just rolled his eyes at him.

"How much you wanna bet he's only like this cause he's closeted?" Kenny laughed, making us laugh as well.

The bell rang and now it was time to leave Kyle.

"Alright, see you later." I kissed his cheek and he and Butters went to their class as Kenny and I went to ours.

Our Little Secret (Stan X Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now