chapter 21

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Stan's pov

I was in homeroom, quietly talking to Kenny in the back.

"So, are you at all worried about how Wendy will react to you and Kyle dating?" He asked.

"I don't know," I started, "like, I'm sure she saw it coming, but I don't know if she'll react horribly or not."

I was glad when second period came since I could just sit in the back and mess with my boyfriend the whole time.

"You know, you got really great hands Kyle." I said to him.

"I do?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah, but they look even better around my-"

"Stan!" He whisper shouted, cutting me off, "Keep it down!"

"Oh, I can't keep anything down around you." I winked.

Kyle was blushing furiously at this point.

"Just keep your horny comments to yourself during school." He told me

Once it was time for gym, I was talking to Kenny as usual, with Tweek and Craig joining us this time.

  "You already seen a lot happier dude." Kenny said to me.

  "I am," I smiled, "we spent the whole weekend together."

  "Yeah, I can tell you had a lot of fun." Craig snickered.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Dude, your neck is worse than Tweek's when I was staying with him when his parents were out of town." Craig said, as I quickly covered my neck with my hand.

  "Well," I slightly blushed, "he lives right across the street, it's easy for him to be over."


  I walked up to Kyle at the end of the day, to talk about doing something after school.

  "Hey, what do you want to do after school today?"

  "I don't know, how about you come to my house after school and we'll figure it out?" He suggested.

  "Sounds good babe." I kissed him goodbye, and turned around to see Wendy.

  Wendy just looked at us, wiped a tear from her eye and walked away. I felt horrible for that.

Kyle and I just stood there kind of awkwardly, not really knowing what to say after that.

Kyle's pov

  After school, I picked Ike up from school as usual, and he gave me a weird look.

  "What?" I asked him.

  "Nothing..." Ike snickered, "I just thought that Stan wasn't your boyfriend."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked.

  "Dude...your neck." Ike laughed.

  I felt my face turn bright red.

  "What tells you that Stan was the reason?" I asked him.

  "You were with him all weekend dude." Ike rolled his eyes.

  "Well, actually, Stan is my boyfriend now." I smiled.

  "What about his girlfriend?" Ike asked.

  "Oh yeah, they're not together anymore." I told him.

  "So he did end up picking you after all?" Ike asked.

  "Well, yeah, he did." I smiled, even though I still felt pretty bad about everything.

  "Well, I'm happy for you." Ike smiled

  We got home, and Ike went to his room, and I went to mine. Not long after arriving, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it, seeing Stan.

  "Oh, hey dude." I smiled.

  "Hey," he also smiled, as he joined me in my room, "so anything you wanna do?"

  "I don't really know," I stared, "there's not much fun things to do around here."

  "I mean, I know something fun we can do." Stan smirked.

  "Is sex all you think about?" I rolled my eyes.

  "Hey, I can't help it, I'm with you." Stan smirked again.

  "Speaking of which, I told Ike about us earlier," I told Stan, "he's happy for us."

  "That's great!" Stan smiled, "Maybe I should tell my sister."

  "Do you think she'll be cool about it?" I asked him.

  "I'm sure she will, or at least I hope." Stan said.

Wendy's pov

  I asked Bebe to come over after school, and she did almost immediately.

  "Wendy, is eveything okay?" She asked me.

  "When I was leaving school today, I saw Stan kissing Kyle.." I told her.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry Wendy," Bebe said, "I'm sure that was hard for you to see."

  "Do you think there's any chance that Stan will take me back?" I asked her.

  Bebe sighed, "Wendy, you're my best friend so I'm gonna be honest with"

  I sighed, throwing myself down on my bed, "I really miss him."

  "I know you do," Bebe began, sitting down next to me, "but you have you have to face the facts, he's in love with someone else."

  Bebe isn't helping me. I just need to figure out how to break up Stan and Kyle myself.

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