chapter 9

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Kyle's pov

I stopped at my locker before lunch, when I was approached by Wendy.

"Kyle, can I talk to you real quick?" She asked me.

"Uh, okay." I said.

"Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend." She said sternly.

"What?" I looked at her confused, "Stan is my best friend, I'm not gonna stay away from him for any reason."

"Don't act innocent, I heard you and Kenny talking about how you have feelings for Stan."


"Don't you go and confuse him, Stan is straight, he isn't gay like you, so you can just forget about your feelings." With that, she walked away.

I was sitting at my luch table, not even being able to eat after finding out that Wendy now knows I like Stan. Stan was sitting with Wendy today, and she was all over him, giggling, shooting me death glares when Stan wasn't looking.

As nervous as I felt, I couldn't help but laugh to myself that she said Stan was straight when just this morning, he had my dick in his mouth.

"Damn Kyle, what you do to piss Wendy off?" Cartman asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, even though I knew it was obvious.

"She keeps glaring right at you dude." Clyde added.

Kenny looked over at Wendy and then back at me, with a worried look on his face like he knew she must have had heard us.

"I uh...I really don't know." I lied.


At the end of the day, Stan came up to me at my locker.

"Hey," he began, "so I gotta hang out with Wendy today, but maybe I can see you later tonight?"

"Yeah, just let me know." I fake smiled.

I felt nervous, was Wendy gonna tell Stan? She said not to "go and confuse him" so maybe she won't mention it? But if she was positive that he was straight, why would she even say that? Did she have her own suspicions?

Stan's pov

After school, I was hanging out with Wendy and she was clinging to me a lot more than usual lately. She kept wanting to go everywhere. No matter where we went, she was wrapped around my arm, trying to kiss me every ten seconds.

  "Wendy, are you okay?" I asked her.

  "Of course I am!" She told me, "I just love you."

  "I love you too Wendy, you just seem off," I said to her, "you're being kind of...clingy."

  "I'm sorry!" Wendy said, "I'm not trying to make you mad.."

  "I'm not mad babe," I quickly told her, "I just need some time to myself too."

  "Okay...well, I guess you can take me home now." Wendy sighed.

  "We can still see a movie first," I grabbed her hand, "this doesn't mean I don't love spending time with you."

  "Okay." Wendy gave me small smile.

Kyle's pov

  It was 11:00pm when Stan called me.

  "Hey, did you still want to see me?" He asked.

  I sighed, "It's late Stan, I wanted to see you earlier, not when I was about to go to bed."

  "I'm sorry Kyle, Wendy dragged me everywhere." Stan told me.

  "Stan, I don't think is going to work..." I told him.

  "Kyle, what are you saying?" he asked.

  "You know what I'm saying," I sighed, "dating both of us is just not working, you should just stay with Wendy."

  "It will work Kyle," Stan said, "I just need a little more time!"

  "You had long enough Stan," I told him, "if you hadn't decided who you want to be with now, you never will. Goodnight Stan." I hung up the phone.

  Stan was never gonna pick me anyway.

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