chapter 32

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Stan's pov

  Kyle and I have been together for seven months. I was so happy and so glad to know that when I graduate, I would be starting my adult life with the person I truly love.

  I was talking with Kyle at the end the day in the school parking lot, when Wendy came up to us.

  "Can we please talk?" She asked us.

  "About?" I asked, annoyed.

  "I wanted to apologize for trying to break you two up..." She started, "I just wasn't handling it well that Stan was with someone else."

  "Well uh..thanks." Kyle said.

  "And I think the reason why I wasn't taking it well was because I uh...I kinda suspected that you weren't completely straight," Wendy turned to me, "and after I found out that Kyle liked you, I was worried that you'd leave me for him."

  "What made you suspect that?" I asked her.

  "Well uh...I'm bi too.." Wendy admitted, "so I could tell."

  "Wow, really?" I asked.

  "Yeah...I'm actually kinda talking to Red now," She said, "but, I wish nothing but the best for you two."

  "Thanks Wendy," I said to her, "you too."

  "Do you believe her?" Kyle asked, once she walked away.

  "Well, I've been with her for a long time, so I know when she's telling the truth." I told him.

  It seems I was right, as Wendy hasn't bothered us at all the rest of the year.

Kyle's pov

  It was time for graduation, and I couldn't tell if I was more excited or nervous. I just couldn't believe Stan and I had a long lasting relationship, spending holidays together, mostly at Stan's house since my mom didn't actually accept us, and going to prom together. It was the happiest I've ever been, but i knew what would make me happier.

  "Hey Kyle." Kenny said, walking up to me the day of graduation.

  "Hey dude." I smiled.

  "You seem happy." Kenny raised an eyebrow.

  "Well uh...can you keep a secret?" I asked him.

  "Yeah, of course." He said.

  Well uh...." I began, "Stan and I have both said to each other plenty of times how we want to be with only each other for the rest of our lives, so do you think he'd say 'yes' to marrying me?"

  Kenny's eyes widened, "Dude, you're planning on proposing?"

  "Well uh..." I could feel my face heat up.

  "Like, are you doing it tonight?" Kenny asked.

  "No, I'm planning on doing it next week," I told him, "but just the thought of it makes me happy."

  "Well, I'm sure he'll want to marry you." Kenny told me.

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Of course," Kenny began, "I've never seen anyone as in love with each other as you two."

  So it's settled, I was gonna propose to Stan next week.


  After graduation, we went back to Stan's house, for obvious reasons. I fell more in love with him everyday.

  I was so excited for next week.

AN: next chapter is the last!

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