june 27 to aug 20 2021

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The clearing up finale

Jun 27All of the galaxies only your eyes holdSparking all into zealous strideThe innocent spring in your step while Enrobed in untainted whites; Beautiful Carefree and glistening under the sunThe abundance of colours withinDancing about like dande...

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Jun 27
All of the galaxies only your eyes hold
Sparking all into zealous stride
The innocent spring in your step while Enrobed in untainted whites; Beautiful Carefree and glistening under the sun
The abundance of colours within
Dancing about like dandelion fuzz
Only to ones who managed to break in
Past the walls of glass and into you
A new world in every hue of white
Split white into a rainbow like a prism
I've been going back and forth on this, but I'm thinking of getting back to colour coding my feed especially with it being how I started off... #newtheme #colour #colors #colours #dandelion #white #dainty #elegant #elegance #prism #rainbow #dandelions #poetry #writer #colourtherapy #healing #pridemonth #shortpoem #short

>People being tagged< so far I stuck to anyone related to the image/text in the posts, but upon request I'm adding ^_~

Jun 28
When you completely break away
You chip with a ragged edge
You take away more than just you
Yet it's okay, ragged is beautiful
The lawn needn't be levelled
Laying on either sends needles
Pricking right through, but
Untainted is the un-trimmed meadow
Yet running through blades of grass
Scratches aside, the flowers
The ones you wanted to breathe
Lay shaken and crumbled
The dandelion fuzz hanging in the air
Some chains were meant to break
My most precious did the other day
Slithered down my skin to lay
A corpse by my feet, but alas
Where has the pendant gone to.
There's still perfection in imperfection
Like a kind of tomb I box
The chain amongst many others
I pile into a box of memories
Shattered glass and repeated stabs
While never a blur, you did it for you
You left to let yourself breathe
Wounds deep, but heart still beating
I'm strong enough to go on my way
My tomb of memories
The vault you left behind
Everything I couldn't hand across
The pile is high but it's my duty.
When one rises, the other goes down.
The laundry pile moves slow
While the brain lay jammed
Right into overdrive
From dawn to dusk
#colors #colour #color #colours #colourtherapy #purple #colourtheme #theme #pridemonth #chains #links #memories
#pain #lostfriends #friendship

>people tagged on request please don't assume their connections with the writing<

Jun 28
You don't need to touch
But take the umbrella allong
You're holding the torrent down
The dams are all brimming
It's okay to come crashing down
But we'll stay warm, huddled
In the eye of the storm
An umberella overhead
Coat, scarf and earphones shared
Even if all water lies deep within
I'm sorry if you've noticed
This one hole in the taut fabric
From when my heart
Once torn, struck lightning
But even then, take the other side
Let me take a share of the drench
The one you unnecessarily bear
When all was a misunderstanding
But pain struck you down
And the powers you had
All left with the exhale
When the clouds finally part
Maybe it wouldn't be instant
But this greyscale will revert
There will be colour
Even in these glistening eyes
But just in case
If we never cross paths ever again
Please take my umbrella
The one with a tiny hole
And its singed border
For the next time it rains around
Earphone out and beats stream
I've been wearing both
On my shoulders a coat too big
And the scarf too long
Still leaning on the pillar, but
Three steps above is that umbrella
A grey people call colourless
A single fine hole
The sun peeped right through
Here's the colour, but
Where - and who - are you?
#colour #color #colours #color #grey #gray #umberella #rain #pridemonth @bt21story 's post really made me want to write, but I had to wait to set the colour stage #theme #suspense #pain #bt21 #findcomfort #hurt #healing

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