8 may 2021

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In this murky darkness, all black
Can you tell It's freezing right here
At the edge of raging, black waters
The moon failed to attend
It was our secret rendezvous
Dark clouds showed up instead
The wind woke the waters
A pebble fell in, the one that failed
To afflict a bruise on the soul
Still here, but unseen
The silence shooes the next invader
The clouds remain for the showdown
Rain ducked into the waters for cover
Sacrifing their very individuality
In the end if this murk was all
That was at the end of the once bright
And colourful weave, then
I had one thing to do
The water had to calm down
But fear had clammed me in place
It couldn't happen, It was me, in black
The last splash into the water
A icy hug and the last lost melody
Of that one lonely swan as it spoke
To the moon that our little chat
Was put off indefinitely
Soon the colours split out
The moon and the sun met for
A moment before the moon
Hurried aside, lost in thought
The lonely swan withered away
The water was still
The children were running to school
Yet nothing was heard
In Omelas, someone had to silently
Or very loudly, just bear it all
The shadow was never missed
The bullies were older
Some had a change of heart
Others a change of target
And the world still turned
The moon still stared the water
Right in the eye, most nights
Life moved on as it always did
Here in Omelas.
I knew I'd take the fall for you.
Silent convo manifests @therapdragon one of favourite music, deep thoughts and darkest fears #music #songs #black #omelas #springday

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