Aren't there some moments
Those where it looks more dark
Though actually it's just us
Blind to the light
People tell you to be optimistic
To see it in a negative light
Or not depends on how you see
Or maybe ask the zebra
Is it black on white or the other
But truly it is so very easy
To taint pure white
To drop that smile it isn't
Or is it?
While with black?
It actually is equally easy
But how obvious is the distinction
Between navy, deep tan and black
Compared to wight and off-white
If you don't see the variation
It isn't going to evoke a smile
If you still stay blind to that light
You're going to keep going into
A vortex with nothing to hold on to
But it is inevitable
Maybe stepping on your painting
Maybe mixing a wrong shade up
Maybe spilling the colours over
No matter how frustrating
We don't have a time turner
And if that were a solution
We wouldn't learn
And we'd have a time turner
It's hard and sometimes trying
To get out throws you in harder
But persevere
A lot of people
Even those you look up to
Have a vortex
The preposition alone differs
In, beside, out of, or wherever else
#puns #metaphor #poetry
Pun intended; 1.a negative in a photo is replacing the dark with light whereas it's the opposite when you talk about viewing a situation negatively; 2. Smiling uses less muscles that frowning and hence it's harder to frown, but literally it is so easy to just be upset.
#harrypotterreference #timeturner #suga #prepositions #deep #thoughts
PoezieThese were all on my Instagram... (plus some new ones) Then I began feeling something about it... I'm a quiet kid... always... but how did I put it all out... I didn't want the attention... I liked when I was of some help to anyone out there... some...