Chapter 2

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Both boys woke up fairly early today as the adrenaline of packing rushed through them. Not just packing, but also coming out to their parents. This would be the first time they've had to formally come out to anyone (because Kirishima and Todoroki finding out were so informal). Katsuki rolled over to his phone to see a bright text on his phone.

Deku: Who's packing first? :P

The little colon P was so cute to Katsuki. Izuku was not only cute in person but also over text.

Kacchan: Wanna pack first? Also because your mom cooks a solid breakfast and I'm hungry...

Deku: HAHA! I'll tell her you're coming!

Izuku walked out of his room, fluffing up his hair a bit and rubbing his eyes. Inko was just about to start breakfast at the surprise of Izuku being up so early, still out of school.

    "Izuku! I'm making breakfast, do you want some sweetie?" Inko asked with excitement.

    "-Any chance you could make three plates? Ka-Kacchan is coming over..." Izuku said squinting his eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck in nerves.

    "KATSUKI BAKUGO? IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN HIM! Besides on TV and what not! Of course I'll make three plates! What's the occasion?" Inko asked practically jumping at the excitement.

    "H-He's helping me pack- for the dorms-" Izuku laughed nervously.

    "Huh, I didn't think you two hung out much anymore besides being in the same class!" Inko asked as she slipped breakfast sausages into a pan.

    "Heh, you'd be surprised..." Izuku said, physically unsettled.

As soon as Inko was plating the food, a knock was heard at their door.

    "IZUKU! Could you get the door?" Inko yelled from the kitchen, Izuku lifting weights in his room. He put the weight down gently as he jumped up and ran to the door.

    "KATSUKI!" He whispered excitedly as he opened the door to see his blonde standing in front of him. Katsuki smiled as he put his hand on the back of Izuku's head to briefly pull him into his shoulder, moving to give his forehead a kiss before walking in and taking his shoes off.

    "Katsuki! It's been too long, sweetie!" Inko yelled from the kitchen as she leaned past the wall a bit to see the boy.

    "Hey Inko." Katsuki said in a polite but cool guy tone.

    "KATS-KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled at him.

    "Baby it's okay he's known me long enough." Inko said as she flicked her hand down as to say 'pfft'. "I have a plate of breakfast for you dear!" Katsuki's eyes lit up as he ran to the kitchen table, grabbing Izuku's wrist to tug him with him.

As Katsuki and Izuku sat down next to each other, Inko handed them their breakfast: two fried eggs, breakfast sausages, a small salad, and two pieces of toast. Not the most spectacular breakfast, but solid for a day of packing.

    "Do you want a drink, Katsuki?" Inko asked before sitting down.

    "Just water please?" Katsuki growled politely. Izuku chuckled.

    "Water for me too mom." He said with a smile.

Inko gave the boys their waters as they both put their hands together in a 'praying' motion and said 'thanks for the meal' under their breaths.

    "So boys, do you know which rooms you have yet?" Inko asked.

    "Not yet, we get them from Mr. Aizawa when we check in to move in." Izuku said as he chewed on a sausage.

Katsuki groaned as he ate his tiny salad, earning Izuku's attention. He gave him a look as to say 'get on with it' look, and he knew exactly what he meant. Izuku started sweating a bit as he squinted and shook his head, attempting to shake off his nerves.

    "Mom!" Izuku started. "Kacchan isn't just here to help me pack for the move..."

    "Hm?" Inko said under her breath.

    "W-Well, you see- K-Kacchan and I are-" He kept stuttering. As Inko tilted her head in confusion, Izuku froze. I'm... so bad at this...

    "We're together... We're dating..." Katsuki grumbled as he stabbed his fork into his eggs.

    "...Oh!" Inko said in surprise. "Izuku wow."

    "M-Mom?" Izuku asked with confusion. What does 'wow' mean?

    "S-Sorry I just- This is so unexpected!" Inko said still shocked.

    "Are- you mad?" Izuku asked cautiously.

    "Mad? Baby no, I just never knew you liked boys!"

    "Mom, don't say it like that..." Izuku said embarrassed, looking down at his breakfast.

    "I just- I never knew you to ever think about that stuff! Even when we talked about romance, you just never seemed too interested..." Inko went on. Katsuki agreed with her about himself. He never cared about romance, EVER! It just came out of nowhere for him.

    "Yea, it kind of just- happened. Neither of us planned for this to happen. We had a fight at school once that landed us house arrest at the dorms and well, that's when everything started changing between us." Izuku said seriously with an innocent smile on his face.

    "W-What kind of fight?" Inko asked. Izuku panicked as he thought for a second that he gave her another reason to worry about him being at UA.

    "I needed to blow off steam and Iz-," Katsuki sighed, "Izuku- was there. I told him things I couldn't tell anyone else- and he did the same." Katsuki said softly.

    "Oh, so like a verbal fight?" Inko tilted her head.

    "Oh no, we fought physically too. I kicked the crap out of him." Katsuki said smirking.

    "Heyyy Kacchan I got you good too!" Izuku whined.

    "Buzz off! I WON THAT FIGHT EASY!" Katsuki yelled a bit. Inko started giggling as the boys calmed down.

    "Are you boys always like this?"

    "You'd be surprised, but Kacchan can actually be very affectionate-" before he could go on he felt a sharp slap on the back of his head from Katsuki. The green-haired boy sat there with pain-filled wide eyes.

    "In your dreams, loser." Katsuki said as he crossed his arms in cool guy mode with his eyes closed. He opened one eye to look at Izuku and smirk.

    "I have to say you guys are a very interesting couple!" Inko laughed. "I like it! I'm proud of you baby!"

    "Thanks mom, but it's all because of what you said one time. You said 'it'll feel right', and that's how I knew Kacchan- Katsuki- was the one. Everything we did together just felt- right." Izuku said smiling at his mom.

As the three finished their breakfast, Katsuki and Izuku got up and put all of their dishes by the sink. Izuku told his mom they needed to start packing as Inko gave them a nod of permission as they went to Izuku's All Might bedroom.

    "You know, for you having a close relationship with All Might now, the fanboy stuff surprises me." Katsuki chuckled a bit.

    "Well, I admire him!" Izuku said proudly to hide his embarrassment.

    "You can admire him with your own eyes, nerd. You see him all the time! It just shocks me that you still have so many fucking posters and stuff when you guys are practically bound together like family at this point..." Kastuki pointed out. "It's like being a major fanboy of an uncle!"

     "Why'd you have to make it weird with the uncle statement." Izuku asked blushing with embarrassment.

    "ITS ALWAYS BEEN WEIRD, DEKU!" Katsuki yelled. Inko started giggling in the kitchen as she overheard their conversation. Izuku decided to close his door as the boys tried to figure out what they were going to pack up first...

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