Chapter 30

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After the surprise party for Katsuki, the boyfriends were sluggish and tired. They were chilling on the couch, Izuku cuddled into Katsuki's lap.

    "You ready to go to your room now?" Katsuki said softly as he played with his boyfriend's hair gently.

    "Oh god, am I going to have to wear my headphones later?" Kaminari teased, making Izuku shoot up out of Katsuki's lap with a huge blush on his face.

    "Don't be stupid, I'm FUCKING INJURED!" Katsuki growled. "Couldn't do anything fun even if I wanted to-"

    "OKAY KACCHAN THAT'S ENOUGH!" Izuku cut the blonde off in embarrassment as he got off the couch and ran to the elevator.

Uraraka giggled as she offered a hand to Katsuki to help gently pull him up off the couch. The blonde raised an eyebrow in confusion at the kindness from Izuku's close friend, who WASN'T close to himself. He didn't smile and almost whacked her hand away, but felt Izuku's excited gaze on the back of his head. To please him, he gritted his teeth and accepted her help. As he stood up, she spoke.

    "I'm gonna be honest, I'm really glad to see you're doing okay, Bakugo!" Uraraka said with the cutest caring voice ever, making even Katsuki blush.

    "Tch, did you really expect a weakling like Deku to kill me?" Katsuki tried to brush off his blush.

Uraraka giggled as she waved goodbye and turned around to hang out with Iida, Tsu, and Shoto. Before Katsuki turned around to walk to his boy at the elevator, he quickly glanced at Shoto who gave him a small and soft smile, almost like a thanks for interacting with the brunette. He raised an eyebrow, then followed his boy to his room.


Hours of chatting and catching up later, Izuku got quiet and frowned in the middle of an innocent giggle.

    "Hey wait Izuku, what's up?" Katsuki sat himself up a bit against Izuku's bed frame attentively. Izuku got up from his seat against the wall and crawled to Katsuki, lifting up his shirt gently to expose his bruises on his chest, bringing a tear to his eye. Katsuki immediately tugged his shirt down.

    "I can't believe I did all of this to you..."

    "Izuku don't blame yourself, I wanted you to fight hard. I wanted this, it's okay."

    "You were in a coma for three days..."


    "I could've killed you..."


Izuku fell silent, his eyes widened in shock. That was a new nickname for the greenette that he even thought was so out of character for 'Kacchan'. He really was growing more and more everyday- being with Izuku.

    "K- Kacchan?"

Izuku leaning towards the blonde on his bed, Katsuki gently placed his hand on his boyfriend's cheek.

    "Stop blaming yourself. Please. It fucking pisses me off. I love seeing your innocent happy smile and hearing your perfect little laugh. Don't be sad anymore, baby."

    "I love you, Kacchan!" Izuku smiled as he moved his boyfriend's hand from his cheek to his mouth and gave him a gentle kiss on his palm.

    "I love you too, Izuku." Katsuki smiled. "By the way I'm never calling you 'baby' ever again. It's disgusting."





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