Chapter 22- Summertime Special pt 2 🍋

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Katsuki was frozen in shock at what his boyfriend just asked him.

"K-Kacchan? Do you- not want me to?" Izuku asked innocently.

"Um... I mean- fuck..." Katsuki couldn't say what he meant.

"Oh hey it's okay, just forget about it! It's no problem!" Izuku giggled nervously as he waved his hands in front of Katsuki's face, but for a moment he was a bit let down. He had thought about doing something like this for awhile, but he was worried that Katsuki wouldn't allow him to, or for a better way of putting it, he was worried that Katsuki wouldn't submit to him. Izuku laid down and closed his eyes, embarrassed for even asking to please Katsuki. The blonde laid next to him on his side to face him, playing with his hair.

"Izuku... I want you to..." He said softly, making the greenette's eyes shoot open.

"Woah are you sure? If you're not ready I don't have to-"

"Didn't we just go through this with you, you fucking nerd? Yes, I'm sure!" Katsuki chuckled. "I was just surprised at first when you asked. I didn't fucking think you would wanna do something like that..." Katsuki growled as he turned onto his back to look up at the lights.

"If it's with you, then of course I wanna do it!" Izuku whined softly as he turned his head towards Katsuki, with the latter doing the same to Izuku. Katsuki turned his whole body to the side to face his boyfriend, cupping his cheek lovingly. He moved his body closer and leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend, just once.

"Well any day now you fuck." Katsuki growled teasingly, making Izuku giggle as he sat up and pushed the blonde onto his back.

The greenette straddled his boyfriend with both hands on his cheeks, kissing him lovingly and passionately as Katsuki put his hands on Izuku's bare thighs. The blonde squeezed the greenette's thighs as they kissed with their tongues, Izuku threading his fingers through Katsuki's hair lovingly. Izuku had close to no idea where to start here, but he took notes from Katsuki and went down to his neck. He trailed kisses down, lightly sucking here and there to try and find his sweet spot.

"Do something unique, Deku." Katsuki smirked. Izuku quickly searched his brain for an answer as he kissed Katsuki's neck, and then quickly found an answer. Katsuki always pushes himself in training and never lets pain bother him, maybe he likes it. He decided to start out by licking his neck gently, which made Katsuki raise his eyebrow. Then Izuku's tongue hit a spot that made Katsuki gasp, meaning he found his sweet spot. Izuku smiled and went to suck on it first, then he bit down- hard. Katsuki's eyes widened as he breathed a little heavier, confused at the new sensation. Izuku bit down a little harder, making Katsuki hiss at the pain, but not protest it.

"Do you- like pain, Kacchan?" Izuku teased.

"Shut the fuck up and keep going." Katsuki growled. He was seriously screwed if his boyfriend could figure out his weaknesses. Katsuki liked the idea of pleasure, but sometimes it overwhelmed him and he would get scared of it. But he couldn't risk getting scared now, as this was such an intimate moment with his boy.

Izuku then moved down further towards Katsuki's groin, starting to hesitate. He was really nervous to do this kind of thing with a guy, and he wanted to do it right. Especially with that guy being Katsuki, he had to make sure his boyfriend felt an intense amount of pleasure like he just did moments ago. He rubbed his hand on Katsuki's package, feeling everything he had to offer inside. Katsuki was starting to sink into the pillows he was laying on, feeling tiny jolts of pleasure here and there. He had touched himself before, but it's so different when someone else does it. It almost didn't even matter that he had the experience of touching himself before, considering he was still so incredibly sensitive to Izuku's touch. Izuku unbuttoned and unzipped his boyfriend's black jeans, sliding them off of his legs with a bit of help from Katsuki. He threw his jeans outside of the fort as Katsuki sat up a bit and took off his shirt, throwing it past Izuku outside of the fort as well. Izuku just realized, Katsuki was about to be totally naked for him.

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