Chapter 4

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    "Hey I'm back, old hag!" Katsuki yelled as he opened the door and held it for Izuku.

    "KATSUKI YOU TWAT WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Mitsuki yelled from her bedroom.

    "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS HAG!" Katsuki yelled as he took off his shoes.

Izuku didn't remember anything about their family dynamic from when they were kids so he just stood there frozen in shock and silence. Katsuki noticed Izuku frozen out of the corner of his eye, so he grabbed his wrist and tugged him a bit to try and bring him back to reality. He didn't react at all other than taking off his shoes still in his completely white shocked state. He kept hold of his wrist as he pulled him to the living room and threw him onto the couch gently.

    "By the way, I brought someone over..." Katsuki said in a nonchalant tone.

    "Now who could that be-" Mitsuki asked as she walked out of her bedroom to see Izuku on the couch. "IZUKU?" Mitsuki said as she ran over to hug the boy from behind the couch, snapping him out of his shocked state.

    "Hi Mrs. Bakugo!" Izuku giggled as Mistuki's arms were wrapped around his neck.

    "Oh please boy call me Mitsuki!" She said as Izuku smiled back at her. "So what brings you here with this angry monster?"

    "ILL KILL YOU!" Katsuki yelled with grabby hands. Mitsuki whacked the back of his head with a smile on her face.

    "Oh, I'm just- here to help Ka-cchan pack for moving back into the dorms!" Izuku said, catching himself to say 'Kacchan' right now rather than 'Katsuki'.

    "Can he stay for dinner too?" Katsuki asked in a growly tone.

    "Oh my god yes of course, it's great to see you after all these years! You did great at the sports festival!" Mitsuki praised Izuku.

    "HEY I WON THAT YOU KNOW!" Katsuki yelled as he earned another smack to the back of his head. "Not that I'm proud of it..." He growled as he rubbed his head.

    "Your father won't be home until later," she said turned to Katsuki, then turning to Izuku, "but I'm sure he will be happy to see YOU, Izuku!"

    "I can't wait!" Izuku said nervously but excitedly. Izuku and Katsuki gave each other a look as to say 'well what do we do now'.

    "Cmon nerd I need to pack already." Katsuki said as he started going up the stairs, looking over his shoulder to give Izuku a 'come on' jerk with his head.

    "Okay!" Izuku said as he gave a wave to Mitsuki and followed Katsuki up the stairs.

As the boys reached Katsuki's room, the blonde turned back to Izuku with a finger over his mouth as to say 'be quiet' and Izuku tilted his head in confusion. As Katsuki opened the door, it was a completely normal looking room besides it being so dark. Katsuki shut the door behind them and then pushed Izuku onto his bed in front of them, getting on top of him and pinning his wrists down as he gave Izuku a lustful long kiss. He smirked into the next kiss as he shifted Izuku's other wrist into his other hand, holding both wrists in his left hand alone. Izuku blushed hard with butterflies dancing in his stomach as he hadn't been pinned down like this yet by Katsuki, he was extremely nervous. Katsuki didn't go much further, just put his right hand on Izuku's cheek and smiled before he loosened his grip on the boy's wrists.

    "W-Why didn't you go any further?" Izuku asked, still blushing with nerves.

    "Not ready." Katsuki said as he smirked, recalling the conversation the boys had earlier. Izuku smiled softly as he took his wrists back and pulled Katsuki into a quick gentle hug before pushing him off.

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