Chapter 17

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"What the hell is going on!"

Izuku was grabbing at Shoto with his unrestrained hand, mumbling 'kiss me' over and over slurringly.

    "Katsuki don't get mad at him he's drunk, but when I placed him on the bed he thought I was you and- kissed me, but I shoved him right off." Shoto whispered in a panic, pleading for forgiveness in his eyes for both boys. Katsuki looked over at Izuku on the bed in slight anger but also concern.

"Katsuki won't kiss me, he doesn't love me, he pulled away..." Izuku mumbled as he started crying drunkenly. The blonde's eyes jolted between Shoto and his drunk boyfriend with a bit of understanding.

"Okay okay, I don't blame you don't worry we will talk about it later we just need to get him water right now." Katsuki replied to the heterochromatic boy.

"I'll get it, you two stay here with him." Shoto whispered as he left Izuku's room to go get him water from the fridge downstairs. Katsuki stayed silent for a moment while he looked at his boyfriend in a bit of sadness.

"You know he didn't mean it right?" Eijiro asked softly in a whisper.

"Yea I know... I'll get over it..." Katsuki said saddly.

Katsuki kneeled down next to his boyfriend who was still frozen to his bedframe. Izuku started whining and getting handsy with his frozen wrist, to which Katsuki immediately understood.

"Kirishima, text Shoto and tell him to be quicker, the ice is hurting him!" Katsuki whispered frantically.

"Got it! And you know you can call me Eijiro right?" Eijiro asked as he pulled out his phone, making Katsuki's eyes widen. "You all can. You guys are my best friends, closer than I've ever been to anyone, so I think it's right!" Katsuki simply nodded with soft eyes as he turned back to his boyfriend in worry.

Sooner than later, Shoto showed up with a bottle of cold water for the drunk boy and immediately used his fire to defrost the ice. Izuku grabbed Shoto's head and pulled it to his chest like a child.

"Katsuki!" Izuku whined, making Shoto squirm in his grip. Katsuki understood him even more now and felt calmer about the kiss confession from earlier.

"Hey that's Shoto, it's me little bunny, I'm your Katsuki." The blonde replied as he lifted up Izuku's arms to let Shoto wiggle out from under him, which made Izuku grab Katsuki the same way immediately after.

"Kacchan!" He whined.

"Hey guys I think I got it from here, you two can go now." Katsuki growled as he was being squeezed by drunk Izuku.

"Let us know if you need anything okay? We're each just a floor away." Eijiro said softly. Katsuki nodded and the two boys left, leaving Izuku and Katsuki alone in the dark.

"Hey Izuku, it's okay. I'm here, just sleep now okay?" Katsuki said softly as he brushed his finger along the boy's flushed cheeks.

"Sleep WITH me!" Izuku yelled as he grabbed the blonde's arm and started tugging it.

"Okay okay I will, but only if you quiet down!" Katsuki whispered loudly as he crawled into the bed next to his boyfriend, feeling much more comfortable laying down than he was standing up. He was pretty tipsy but not quite drunk so he was definitely better off than the boy next to him. Izuku rolled to face his boyfriend on the other side of him, cupping his cheek as he went in to kiss him softly. Ugh, he tastes like beer, Katsuki thought. As the two kept kissing sloppily, Katsuki eventually pulled away.

"Let's go to sleep, remember?" The red-eyed blonde said as he tucked some of Izuku's hair behind his ear.

"But I love you so much, Kacchan!" The greenette said almost childishly. He started to hold himself up a bit, leaning over to kiss Katsuki a bit more aggressively this time. Katsuki wanted them both to go to sleep, but he got a little carried away in the moment and kissed back. As Izuku kept leading their kisses, he slowly got on top of Katsuki and straddled him. He slowly led his hands up the blonde's arms and once he got to his wrists he grabbed them and pushed them down tightly as their kisses got deeper, more passionate, their tongues softly teasing each other. Izuku rested his body, his hips, onto Katsuki's groin, making him push his package upward into Izuku gently in arousal. He reminded himself that Izuku was very drunk and that he needed to get him to sleep.

"Izuku please, as much fun as I'm having you need to fucking sleep."

"But Katsuki, I want to show you how much I love you," Izuku whispered seductively.

"Izuku sto-" Katsuki protested as his boyfriend crashed his lips against his own again. As they continued kissing, Izuku wandered his hand down to his boyfriend's v-line, sneaking two fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants. Katsuki's eyes shot open as he realized how far Izuku was going. He didn't want to hurt his boy, so he used his free arm to grab Izuku's shoulder to get his attention. "Izuku, you're drunk, let's sleep it off okay? We can continue this another time." He tried to suggest softly.

"I'm not tired," Izuku giggled as he slipped the rest of his hand into Katsuki's pants, letting his hand wander over his boxers. He wandered his fingers over the hardened package hiding inside, making Katsuki let out a small quiet moan.

"Izuku please, not tonight..." Katsuki grunted as Izuku started slipping two fingers under the waistband of his boxers. Right as his fingers got too close to his member, the blonde jolted up and grabbed his straying hand, twisted his other wrist to gain hold of Izuku's, and flipped them over to pin the greenette to the bed. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE DEKU STOP, NOT TONIGHT!" Katsuki yelled, immediately panicking at how loud he was. Fuck, someone could've heard me, I fucked up fuck! Izuku's eyes widened, the flip around almost knocking him sober.

"D-Deku?" Izuku whimpered out while blinking hesitantly, slowly passing out as Katsuki's hold relaxed on his wrists. He turned his boy to the side as he pulled out his phone. Someone needed to stay with him that night, but Katsuki wasn't ready to sleep in the bed with him. He was afraid of the possibilities, so he sent Shoto a text.

Bakugo: You awake? Do you have an extra futon?

He got no answer. Shoto likes his sleep, so he assumed the boy was already fast asleep. Fuck, I don't want to sleep in his bed, just this one time. Calling him Deku was so shitty... 'Deku' was shorter than 'Izuku' so he just said the quickest name he could for his boyfriend, but he still feels terrible for using the name he bullies him with. Well, fake bully now but still. The last idea Katsuki had was to grab his bean bag from his room and sleep on that, not like it'll be good sleep but he didn't care, he needed to watch over his boy. By now it was only close to 9pm so people would still be up. He had to be cautious.

Right as the elevator doors opened, to his floor, someone stood in front of him.

"Wha- Bakugo? Where were you?" Sero asked his friend with two knitted blankets hanging over his shoulders. Katsuki stood stiffy at the sight of Sero being right there in front of him. Was he- not with the others just now?

"I was in the kitchen, couldn't find anything I wanted, what about you tape arms?" Katsuki growled.

"I was just grabbing these extra blankets from my room. Kaminari and Shinso are both passed out from the beer so I was going to stay and watch them tonight, can't have anyone throwing up now..."

"Yea sure, whatever..."

"Hope no one threw up while I was gone though, I got sidetracked so I've been gone for a hot minute..." Sero added while squinting his eyes in nerves. So he didn't hear me yell at Izuku thank god.

Katsuki didn't reply as he stepped out of the elevator, trading places with Sero. He walked over to his room and creeked open the door. Before he grabbed his bean bag, he decided to change his shirt that was slightly battered with spilled beer here and there. The new shirt smelled nice and clean, he was really getting tired of the smell of beer. He grabbed his bean bag and started lugging it to the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors opened, there stood someone unexpected which made him flinch in panic. He may not be drunk, but he was still slightly intoxicated. He couldn't react fast enough to leave up the stairs or anything.

"Bakugo? What are you doing?" Tokoyami tilted his head.

"I uh- Why the fuck do you wanna know?" Katsuki hissed.

"Uh- yea you're right nevermind..." Tokoyami replied as he walked out of the elevator past Katsuki. What the fuck just happened? He almost let the elevator doors close in front of him before he shook his head and ran inside, almost fumbling the bean bag from his grasp.

As he walked back into Izuku's room quietly, he noticed Izuku turned to the other side. He let out a sigh as he set his bean bag down next to the bed and plopped himself down, falling asleep almost instantly.

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