Chapter 11

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Katsuki laid in his bed, looking up at the ceiling in angst.

I thought I just told that fucker not to shut me out, why won't he let me be there for him. Ugh why the fuck do I sound so clingy? What has this idiot been doing to me...

Katsuki was angry at himself for his attached behavior. He didn't want to admit it, but things were easier when he was just covering everything up with anger. Times like these where he occasionally regrets opening up to someone like Izuku, regrets starting a relationship with him... Things were easier when he was alone... He didn't want to regret it all, but his mind intrusively allowed himself to feel the negative feelings. He grabbed his hair in his fingers and pulled some of it out. He was so conflicted. He felt a weird disconnect from Izuku. He felt like he wasn't important to him anymore, like Izuku was... falling out of love with him... Maybe we were just better as- friends...

Izuku laid in HIS bed crying, stressed about feelings that he didn't understand. He wanted to listen to what Katsuki said about not worrying about the future before it happens, but he couldn't help it. He didn't trust that Katsuki wouldn't leave him. He left me when we were little, because I was quirkless. Who's to say he won't leave me again... He also thought about exams. He had never stressed about exams this much, but every time he tried studying he would get uncontrollably distracted. Every time he trained extra for the anticipating six extra quirks that were supposedly manifesting soon, he would be stuck thinking about exams. He tried not to add thinking about the work study to his plate but that crossed his mind several times too.

The busy schedule, it was all too much. His head would entangle everything together as his days went on and he was getting tired of it, and he needed to lessen his load. He didn't know what to lessen though, seeing as he and Katsuki still had their relationship announcement plans, plus being partners for the finals, PLUS doing the same work study together. He couldn't distance himself from Katsuki, not now. He decided to talk to All Might about postponing their extra training for the new quirks, texting him about it that night.

Soon enough, the busy thoughts caused Izuku to want to fall asleep early, making sure to text Katsuki beforehand so he didn't worry about him ignoring the blonde.

Deku: Hey Kacchan, I'm gonna go to bed early. I love you!

Kacchan: Love you too nerd.

Izuku smiled, but something felt off about his text. He tried not to overthink it as he drifted to sleep.


The next morning, Izuku woke up with a splitting headache. He was dehydrated as hell, he barely drank any water yesterday. As he fell off of his bed trying to get up, he grabbed his phone from his bed shelf and checked to see if Katsuki had texted him in the morning yet. Nothing. He sighed as he laid on the floor, holding his head in pain.

Katsuki was awake, but upset and hurt. He wanted to give Izuku his space, not just as a good boyfriend but also in spite. He also wanted to act less clingy. He decided to let Izuku text him first in the morning, seeing if he even would. All morning: nothing. Regardless of the fact that they didn't live on the same floor, Katsuki would wait for Kirishima to walk together to class. He always acted like he didn't care, but he didn't want to admit it was more exciting walking with someone rather than walking alone.

"Hey bro, you doing okay?" Kirishima asked as the boys walked to the main campus building.

"What's it to you?" Katsuki said softly, not yelling or lashing out at all.

"Woah that bad huh? Is it Midoriya?" Kirishima asked, realizing that Katsuki was definitely acting abnormal.

"HAH? IM FINE YOU IDIOT!" Katsuki yelled with an angry expression.

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