Chapter 13

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It had been a few days since the three boys started their work study at Endeavor's agency. Endeavor was not taking it easy on them, challenging them to capture a villain before he could. Izuku was focused on gaining more control over blackwhip, using it every chance he could against street villains. The wonder duo could sneak around the agency more easily to see each other at days ends, along with Todoroki's help. They didn't worry too much about side kicks seeing them going to either of their temporary rooms at the agency, it's different from letting their classmates know before they want them to.

Tonight the three boys were bonding the most: dinner at the Todoroki's.

"WHAT THE CRAP!" Katsuki yelled in front of the Todoroki estate.

"My sister invited everyone for dinner." Todoroki replied monotonely.


"Because she wanted to meet my friends..."


"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled dissaprovingly.


After a long night of trauma dumping and delicious food, the boys were soon going back to the Endeavor agency to their temp rooms. After Katsuki yelling for Fuyumi's Mapu Tofu recipe, and Endeavor and Todoroki bickering in the car on the way back, Izuku was just really happy to be where he was in this moment. This day has been a particularly great one for Izuku's emotions. Their day at work and the dinner were all amazing. He feels even closer to his best friend now since the sports festival, and he's so thankful to have experienced Todoroki opening up more.

As the boys walked back inside the agency, Endeavor signed the boys off as he went to his own office.

"Hey guys, why don't we all hang out for a bit? We get to sleep in a bit tomorrow so we can stay up longer, if you guys aren't tired?" The heterochromatic boy asked his friends.

"Oh my god YES! I'm not tired!" Izuku yelped excitedly.

"In your dreams IcyHot!" Katsuki growled.

"Katsuki... Let's have a sleep over!" Izuku whined to his boyfriend.

"Hmmmm... fine, but in my fucking room and Izuku gets the bed with me..." Katsuki sighed.

"That's fine, I can grab a futon." Todoroki said in monotone but excited eyes.

Eventually, the three boys all met up at Katsuki's room, the two visitors in their pajamas. Katsuki was throwing on a shirt when Izuku barged in with Todoroki behind him. Izuku immediately blushed at the sight of his boyfriend's abs before they were covered with his black t-shirt.

"Hey, don't hold back on my account..." Todoroki huffed, rolling his eyes. The two boys immediately smiled with the greanette running towards the blonde, jumping into his grasp. Katsuki squeezed Izuku tightly for a bit before pulling away and locking his lips with the latter's.

"Heh, sorry Todoroki!" Izuku giggled as he pulled away from Katsuki.

"Honestly, you guys are my closest friends, just call me Shoto..." Todoroki sighed while he set up his futon on the floor next to Katsuki's bed.

"Woah are you sure?!" Katsuki asked in shock.

"Yes of course, its already my hero name anyway..."

"Oh true... well call me Izuku then!"

"Yea Katsuki's fine too..."

Shoto's eyes widened in utter shock at the bond he had with his friends.

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