Bonus Chapter - Thankful for Last Night

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* kamijirou *

Kaminari walked with Izuku and Shinso to class, sweating buckets about the situation he was in with Jirou. He almost completely ignored the other two boys on their way to class just because of how preoccupied his mind was. He was thinking out every scenario that could happen and trying to plan a response for each. Izuku noticed that he looked visibly distressed when they started their walk to the main campus so he tried to converse with Shinso as much as he could to avoid bothering him.

When the boys got to class, the three of them dispersed to their seats and thankfully, most of the girls weren't there yet. Kaminari was able to sit down in his seat, immediately staring out the window past Shinso in angsty preparation.

    "Woah dude, are you okay?" Eijiro asked. No response.

"Don't even ask right now, we'll tell you later..." Shinso chuckled with tired, hungover eyes.

As the sound of feminine laughter approached, the hairs on Kaminari's nape stood up. He went stiff and squiggle-mouthed, preparing for absolute humiliation. He was pretty early to home room today, so he had extra time for prolonged embarrassment.

"Hey, Kaminari?" A voice asked from his right.

"Y-Yea?" He replied, shaking and staring straight down at his desk, not even initially realizing who's voice it was.

"Can we talk? Outside of the classroom for a moment?" Kaminari looked up in fear as he saw dark onyx eyes pointed at him.

"Y-yea- s-sure-" He stuttered. The two of them walked outside into the hallway.

"Um... so... your texts from last night..." She started.

"OH PLEASE IT WAS NOTHING! I'm really sorry I was- feeling really sick and I was doing some crazy things and-"

"Oh, so did you- not mean any of it?" Jirou looked down as she spoke.

"Uh- um..." Kaminari was really starting to stress out now. He didn't think about this possibility.

"Can I just- say something? And if you don't agree or whatever then we can forget this ever happened and move on but... I thought about what you said and- I would, actually. Like to go out with you, that is..." She blushed hard as she squeezed her hands together to comfort herself.

"I'm sorry what-" Kaminari blurted out before rushing his hands to his mouth.

"Oh, forget it then-" Jirou blurted out immediately after.

"NO! No Jirou hold on," Kaminari yelled before sighing, "Sorry for yelling, but- I meant it I really did. I may have been feeling weird last night, but what I said was- true- I wanna go out with you..." Kaminari blushed as he looked down, waiting for a response from Jirou.

He noticed that she was holding her hands together nervously and decided to reach out his fingers, lightly brushing them onto her clasped hands. She gasped and looked up at him but he didn't avert his gaze from her hands. She loosened her grip on her own hands as Kaminari gently slipped his relaxed fingers in between the palm of her right hand and the dorsum of her left hand. She moved her right hand away and turned her left wrist, letting him interlock their fingers as they both flushed a deep shade of red. They stood there for a few long seconds looking up at each other before Kaminari tugged their interlocked hands and pulled her forward a bit, wrapping his right arm around her in an endearing half hug.

    "I'm so glad you felt the same..." Kaminari whispered in a shaky voice, squeezing her other hand tightly. Jirou's eyes widened as she moved her right hand under his arm and up to his back.

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