Chapter 21 - Summertime Special pt 1 🍋

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The boys spent almost the entire summer break together. They planned all sorts of fun activities to do together, some of them including their classmates. Izuku spent a good amount of time with the Dekusquad to catch up on time they lost from being with Katsuki so much, but he didn't lose any time with his boyfriend either. The beach had just about seen enough of the wonder duo.

There was one special day for the two, one that would cause them to strengthen their bond, one that would take their relationship to the next level.


It was 8:13am when Izuku woke up in his bed at his mom's house. The students had the option to stay in the dorms or go home during their summer vacation, and Izuku wanted to spend time with his mom. He tossed around in the boring guest bedsheets. He left his All Might ones back in his dorm, but Katsuki is just about done seeing them so he promised to take Izuku shopping soon for a better bed spread. He grabbed his phone with a loose grip and almost dropped it on his face when he unlocked it.

Kacchan: Good morning bunny!

Izuku squirmed with happiness at the text; the nickname was starting to become a normal thing, sure, but his stomach still fluttered every time.

Deku: Morning Kacchan! :)

Kacchan: I'm coming over


Kacchan: I don't give a fuck, omw

Izuku chuckled to himself as he jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes to get dressed. He left a lot of clothes at the dorm, but with summer sales the boys have been shopping a lot lately so he has a bunch of new clothes now. The only things he brought from his dorm were his blue button down shirt, a dark blue short sleeve shirt, black joggers, five inch blue shorts, and his iconic red sneakers. He decided to wear his five inch inseam shorts today, but one of his new shirts: a solid grey t-shirt with the word 'laugh' in kanji on the little chest pocket. As he was tying the laces of his red sneakers, he heard a loud knock on his apartment door. He rushed over but tripped over the untied laces of his left shoe, letting himself faceplant the floor in front of his door. Katsuki heard a thump as he decided to test if his door was open, and sure enough it was. There laid his pathetic boyfriend on the floor.

    "What the fuck happened to you?" He growled as he squatted down.

    "Shut up, let me lay here in sorrow." Izuku grumbled into the floor.

    "Yea no, c'mon-" Katsuki grunted as he grabbed Izuku's forearms and started to pull him up.

As soon as Izuku stood up, he brushed off his knees and met Katsuki's soft eyes. He smiled as he went in for a cute peck on the blonde's lips and went back to his room to grab his phone.

    "Mom, Katsuki's here we're leaving!"

    "Okay sweetie have fun! You guys are staying at the dorms tonight right?" Inko yelled from the kitchen.

    "Yes! There's a movie night with the class so we thought we'd stay there!"

    "Stay safe my baby!"

As the boys left the Midoriya apartment, Katsuki grabbed the top of Izuku's head stiffly and turned it towards him.

    "You didn't say anything about a movie night to me you rabbit bastard-"

    "Kacchan we don't have to watch the whole movie, but I wanna see the whole class together! We haven't seen them all together since exams!" Izuku whined.

    "Ugh fine, but if I get bored we are going to my dorm like we said we would before."

    "Heh, sure thing!" Izuku replied with a big smile.

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